Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 89
(unlesse some one of our Councell be pent) are allwayes to be One.
Commises to enquyre &c: In wch causes Ciuill soe to be tryed wee doe
constitute, ordaine & appoynt the sd Robt Slye, Willm Euans, and
Symon Ouerzee to be Judges as aforesd, Vnlesse &c: And wee com-
mand the Sheriffe Nicolas Gwyther, of yor County aforesd, by uertue
&c: And lastly Wee haue appointed Roger Isham Clarke & keeper
&c: Gyuen under &c :
Josias ffendall.
P. C. R.
p. 54
Csecilius Absolute Lord & Propey &c: To Henry Coursey Thomas
Sprigge, Thomas Truemar, Michael Brooks Robt Taylor & Philip
Morgan Gentn Greeting Know yee tht wee for the great trust &c :
Wee haue allso constituted, and ordayned you & euery fowre of you
of wch you the sd Henry Coursey, Thomas Sprigge, or Thomas True-
man, Vnlesse some one of or Councell bee present are allwayes to be
One. Commis" to enquyre &c: In wch Causes Ciuill &c: Henry
Coursey Tho: Sprigge & Tho: Trueman to be Judges as aforesd &c :
the Sheriffe Willm Coursey by uertue &c: And lastly wee haue
appointed Edmond Scott Clarke & keeper &c: Gyuen under &c :
Josias ffendall.
for Calvert
Caecilius absolute Lord &c: To Richard Wells, Thomas Todde,
Samuel Withers, John Brewer, Anthony Galway, Roger Grosse,
Richard Woolman, Robert Burle, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Besson,
Thomas Howell The sr Rich: Wells, Thomas Todde, Samuel With-
ers, Comrs, & Judges.
for Anarun-
del County
Csecilius absolute Lord &c: To Capt Robert Vaughan, Philip Con-
ner, Thomas Bradnox, Henry Morgan, Joseph Wcckes, Seth ffoster
Gentn &c: You or any Three of you &c: Robt Vaughan or Philip
Conner, to allwayes one Vnlesse &c: Commisrs &c: & Judges &c :
Comisrs for
the County
of Kent
You shall sweare That as Commisn in the County of N.
(in all articles in his Lps Commisn to you directed) you shall doe
equall right, to the poore, as to the Rich, to the best of yor Cunning,
witt, & power, & after the presidents & Customes of this prouince,
& Acts of Assembly thereof made. And tht you hold yor Sessions, or
Courts, as you are directed in yor Commisn or according to Acts of
Assembly prouiding in tht behalfe. And all fines, and amercements,
tht shall happen to be made, & all forfeitures, wch shall fall before
you, yee shall cause to bee entred wthout any concealement & certify
the same to his Lps Receiuer of this prouince, yee shall not debarre,
or hinder the prosequuon of Justice, or take any gwift, bribe or ffee,
to tht intent, or delaying of Judgmt But shall behaue yor selfe iustly
& truly, to the best of yor understanding & power, soe long as you
shall persist in this Office: & untill you shall bee by lawfull authority
discharged therefrom. Soe helpe you God &c :
The Oath of
or Commisr
of a County