P. C. R.
proceed not in any the Cases aforesd to take life or member: but tht
in euery such Case you send the Prisoners wth their Indictmt, & the
whole matter depending before you, to the next prouinciall Court to
bee holden for this Our prouince, whensoeue, or wheresoeuc to bee
holden, there to bee tryed, And further wee doe hereby authorize you
to issue writts, processe, arrests, & Attatchmts to hold Plea of heare &
Determine & after Judgmt Exequuon to award in all causes Ciuill
whither in accons reall or personall, where the thing in accon doth
not exceed the ualue of Three Thowsand pownd weight of Tob.
according to the Lawes, Orders, & reasonable customes made & used
in this Our prouince of Maryland. In wch causes Ciuill soe to be
tryed wee doe constitute, ordaine & appoynt the sd John Hatch to be
Judge as aforesd, unlesse some one of Our Councell bee then in
Court. And therfore Wee command you, tht you dilligently intend
the keeping of the Peace, Lawes, & Orders, & all & singular other the
premises, & att certaine dayes & places wch you, or any such ffowre,
or more of you as is aforesd shall in tht behalfe appoynt, yee make
enquyries uppon the premises & performe & fullfill the same in forme
aforesd, Doeing therein tht wch to Justice apperteyneth according to
the Lawes, Orders & reasonable Customes of this Our prouince,
Sauing to vs the amercemts, & other things thereof to us belonging,
And wee command the Sheriffe Nicolas Gwyther by vertue of these
pents, tht att certaine dayes & places wch you or any such fowre or
more of you as aforesd, shall make knowne to him, to giue his atten-
dance on you, & if need requyre, to cause to come before you, or
any such fowre, or more of you, as aforesd, such & as many good &
lawfull men of yor County, by whom the truth in the premises may
the better be knowne & enquyred of & Lastly wee haue appoynted
Clarke & keeper of the Records of proceedings in this yor County
Court, & therfore you shall cause to be brought before you, att the sd
dayes & places, the writts, precepts, processe, & Indictmts to yor Court
& Jurisdiction belonging, tht the same may bee inspected & by a due
Course determined as aforesd, Gyuen under the great Seale of this
Our prouince of Maryland this Tenth day of May in the 26 yeare of
Our Dominion ouer the sd prouince, & in the yeare of oe Lord 1658.
Wittnes oe Right Trusty, & wellbeloved Josias ffendall Esqr oe
Leiutt of the sd prouince
Josias ffendall.
Commisn St
Caecilius Absolute Lord & Prope &c. To Robt Slye, Capt Willm
Euans, Symon Ouerzee Rich: Willan, Willm Barton, James Lang-
worth, Rich: Banks, Tho: Mathews Gentn Greeting, Know yee thr
Wee for the great trust & confidence wee haue in yor fidelities, Cir-
cumspections &c: in the County of St Maries, And to keepe &c: Wee
haue allso constituted & ordeyned you & euery fowre, or more of
you, of wch you the sd Robt Slye, William Euans or Symon Ouerzee