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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
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614 Index.

tate of Lewis, 4, 70; v. Smith,

LeCompte, Antony, 61, 354; v.
Ashcombe, 354.
Lee, Elizabeth, 23; Hannah,
422, 512, 532, 537, 569; Hugh,
398, 399, 456, 462, 467, 468,
512, 520, 537; James, 134, 153,
197, 204, 207; John, 288;
Richard, 366, 367; Mr., 269;
v. Atchison, 532, 537, 538.
Leech, Capt, 272.
Leedes, William, 106, 273, 313,
419, 512, 525.
Lees, Edward, 549, 571, 572,
LeFevre (LePheybour), Peter,
61, 138.
Leister, Samuel, 326.
Leonard's Creek, 243.
Leopard, Ship, 387, 388.
Letchworth ( Leitchworth ) ,
Thomas, 23, 174, 268, 486,
Letters, Opening, 573, 574-
Lewger, John, 42, 44, 76, 83, 84,
125, 325, 417, 475, 478; Mar-
tha, 341.
Lewis, William, 4, 5, 58-60, 69,
70, 96, 114, 131, 133, 149, 198,
230, 231, 265, 297, 305, 333,
368, 398; Widow, 172.
Limitations, Statute of, 220.
Linsey (Lindsey), Edmond, 12,
50, 97, 115, 201, 204, 207, 231
292, 344, 357; James, 50, 64,
72, 77, 79, 83, 84, 87, 95, 96
133, 154, 166, 174, 193, 201
221, 226, 231, 244, 248, 253
254, 265, 300, 354, 372, 373
392, 393, 487; v. Marshagioy,
50; v. True, 392; v. Watson,
Lintall, Joseph, 567.
Liquor, Price of, 138.
Lisseon, Daniel, 387.
Little, Basil, 6, 7, 22-26, 8o;
John, 19, 20, 127, 137, 158, 183,
202, 529, 569, 570, 580, 581
582; v. Dickson, 569, 570, 580-
582; v. Jacobson, 127, 137,
158, 183, 202; v. Jolly, 529.
*Little Bretton (Brittaine),

Littleworth, Hannah, 190, 191.
Lloyd, Edward, 1, 62, 192, 228,
234, 240, 248, 249, 256, 257,
270, 274, 275, 289, 299, 300,
314, 315, 319, 320, 326, 332
333, 339, 424, 425, 433, 434
444, 456, 458, 466, 484, 486
521, 573; John, 116, 117, 120;
Margaret, 116, 120; Richard
29, 419, 447, 451, 452, 538, 552
554, 575, S88, 589; Robert,
343, 344; William, 601.
Lodmore, John, 350.
Lomax, Thomas, 28, 140, 344.
354,447,448,450,511, 578.

London, England, 36, 62, 79,
132, 214, 237, 265, 269, 302,
304, 306, 355, 359, 360, 380,
400, 406-408, 426, 437, 459,
461, 495, 512, 519, 533, 534,
538, 542, 545, 548, 549-
London, John, 364; v. Reade,
Long, Thomas, 200, 221, 350.
Longworth's Point, 52, 53.
Lord, John, 3, 61, 97, 127, 141,
160, 371, 372, 471, 472, 528,
529; Richard, 579, 580; v.
Gerard, 61; v. Stone, 127,
160; v. Teunis, 31.
*Lord's Gift, 529.
Love, Judith, 477; William,

Lovely, Deliverance, 313, 432,
438; Elizabeth, 271-274.
Lowry, William, 570, 585, 600.
Loyle, William, 415.
Lucas (Lewcas), William, 62,
100, 101, 132, 150, 164, 198,
253, 312, 447, 490, 513; v.
Brooke Adminr., 198.
Ludford (Lumford), Arthur,
101, 103, 130, 156, 419; v.
Stephens, 103.
Lumbard, Francis, 113, 114.
Lumbrozo, Jacob, 2, 3, 10, 30,
70, 82, 08, 99, 127-129, 151, 179,
184, 203, 389, 405, 441, 467,

513, 519, 567, 570, 57i, 578,
589-591, 601; v. Abraham, 99,
179; v. Brooks, 184; v. Cock-
erell, 2; v. Ewen, 127, 129;
v. Ferreira, 98, 128, 151, 152;
v. Galloway, 83; v. Gillford,
3, 30; v. Harwood, 129; v.
Hammond, 567, 570, 578, 589,
591; v. Jolly, 467; v, Pakes,

513, 519-
Lurkey, Nicholas, 252.
Lyne, Geofge, 307, 310.
Lynn Haven, 235, 236, 240, 241.

MacCart, John, 182.
McCormack, Cornelius, 264,
Macdoell, William, 44.
Mace, Clodoneus (Clovis), 52,
53, 136, 155, 193, 198, 250.
Mackall, George, 344, 354, 364,
448, 451, 453, 454, 47i, 496,
503, 509, 520, 532, 539, 555,
Mackane, Richett, 476-478.
Mackey (Makey, Mackay,
Macky, Mickay), John, 196,
223, 224; Robert, 6, 26, 184,
277, 570; v. Osborne, 184.
McKinney (MacKenny, Makin-
ney), John, 260, 291.
Macklin (Macklane, Macklyn),
Margaret, 569; Robert, 3, 4,
97, 98, 276, 310, 430, 432, 438,
461, 475, 509, 553, 569, 571,
576, 580; v. Pollard, 571; -v.

Estate of Walter, 3; v. Wil-
liams, 509.
Maddookes (Mattox, Mat-
toche), Ann, 13, 34; Rice,
Richard, 13, 96, 155, 367, 472.
Magruder (Macgruder), Alex-
ander, 150, 585.
Malefeasance in office, 77.
Manadose (Manathos, Manhat-
tan), 7, 20, 21, 162, 271, 273,

411, 443.
Manfield, James, 369.
Manning, John, 323; Richard,
323; Thomas, 289, 323, 353,
354, 365, 421, 422, 425, 453,
482, 486, 494, 516, 520, 526,
530, 539, 551, 571-575, 578,
585, 586, 598; v. Cole, 365.
Manokin River, 593, 594.
Manor, 464, 534; Lord of, 263.
Manship, Arthur, 303.
Manslaughter, 190.
Maphey, Robert, 287.
Marcarke, John, 452.
Maria, Ship, 306.
Maris, Thomas, 182.
Marke, John, 491.
Markeyne, Thomas, 81; v.
Chaplan, 81.
Markham, John, 594.
Marriage, 456.
Marsh, Mrs. Sarah, 3, 369, 422,
491, 496, 505; Thomas, 5, 19,
82, 113, 114; v. Eltonhead,
3; v. Gwyther, 5, 19.
Marshagioy, Benedict, 50, 441 ;
Margaret, 431, 432.
Marshall, George, 578; Wil-
liam, 26-28, 42, 64, 76, 92, 123,
132, 165, 176.
Mathews, Hester, 185, 218, 267,
347, 473; Hope, 489; Thomas,
54, 88, 139, 148, 184, 185, 217-
221, 226, 228, 230-232, 259,
263, 264, 267, 268, 277-279,
3io, 323, 346, 347, 405, 418,
430, 432, 489, 569, 582, 588,
589; v. Mitchell, 148.
Martin (Martine, Martyn), Ab-
dalla (Abdelon), 44, 65, 66,
68; Ellionor, 132, 134, 137,
164, 177, 409, 420, 467, 481,
499, 513, 518, 521, 529; Fran-
cis, 514, 518; James, 452; Jos-
eph, 555; Loadwick, 514, 518,
529; Patience, 409, 455, 467,
481, 499, 513, 521; Robert,
112; Thomas, 385; William,
389, 398, 409, 420, 518; v.
Clocker, 409; v. Cranly, 132;
v. Greene, 134; v. Gwyther,
177; v. Martin, 467, 481, 499,
513, 514, 518, 521.
Mastvick, John, 267, 409, 438;
v. Russell, 438.
Mattapanian (Mattapany, Mat-
tapanient), 232, 233, 277, 343,
477, 529, 533.
Maunder. Wilkes. 255.


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
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