Indians, 82, 115, 186, 190, 191,
199, 206, 223, 224, 230-232,
254, 316, 317, 456, 471, 565;
Trade with, 287, 288, 302, 303,
593, 594
*Innis' Choice, 412.
Inniss (Innis), Thomas, II,
412, 413, 442, 447, 448, 522,
553, 596, 602, 603; William,
220, 277, 327, 451, 571.
Ireland, William, 338.
Ireton, Thomas, 385.
Isham, Roger, 22, 89, 120, 139,
204, 207, 226, 231, 259, 298,
341, 394, 423, 590.
Jackson, Barnaby, 78, 103, 104,
128, 132, 134, 139, 141, 142,
165, 185, 199, 218, 251, 267,
478, 521; Francis, 421; Mary,
332; Thomas, 59, 129, 463,
464; v. Stone, 165, 197, 251.
Jacobson, Aaron, 19, 21, 33, 35,
99, 127, 137, 158, 166, 183,
202; v. Cornelius, 35, 166;
v. Johnson, 21; v. Little, 99,
158, 183, 202; v. Standley, 33.
James, Charles, 457, 460, 463 ;
John, 511, 516, 517, 521;
Owen, 22, 30, 82, 194, 228,
305, 360, 361; Robert, 497,
498; v. Gouldsmith, 460;
River, 186; Town, 246, 366,
Janson, Peter, 308, 310.
Jaques, George, 337; Henry,
Jarboe, John, 52, 56, 64, 96, 137,
155, 195, 267, 285, 286, 298,
324, 325, 341, 342, 394, 451,
452; v. Mattocke, 96, 155; v.
Ware, 126, 137.
Jarvise, Thomas, 288, 374, 447,
448, 45o.
Jay, Temperance, 343.
Jefferies, John, 269.
Jenifer, Daniel, 530, 556.
Jenkins, John, 3, 96, 115, 131,
140, 155, 397, 447-450, 470,
492, 509, 511; v. Mace, 96,
Jennings, Peter, 366.
John's Adventure, Ketch, 410,
411, 419.
Johnson, Abraham, 390; Albert,
20, 21, 33, 35, 166; Barbara,
20; Cornelius, 10, 32, 44, 55,
56, 66, 68, 75, 83, 98, 177, 260;
Daniel, 227, 475, 487, 495, 406,
503, 570, 571, 579, 584:
George, 436; James, 97, 292,
297, 298, 448, 451, 453; John,
125; William, 144, 472, 473,
538, 539; v. Gerrard, 570, 571,
584; v. Nevett, 10; v. Penny
(Thickpenny), 55, 66, 75, 81,
83; v. Turner, 487, 495.
Jointure, 261.
Jolly, James, 12, 15, 34, 48, 56,
75, 77-79, 83, 232, 233, 467,
47i. 529, S7o, 58S; v. Little,
Jones (Joanes), Avis, 194;
Christopher, 50, 57, 71, 84,
310, 515; Owen, 387; Rice, 7;
Robert, 116, 305, 507, 522; v.
Tickner, 57.
Jordan, Thomas, 8, 31, 36, 79,
80, 194, 596; v. Brandson, 8;
v. Gillford, 8; v. Joley, 79-
Joy, Martha, 301; Peter, 72, 77,
81, 268, 289, 301, 382, 384, 471,
484; v. Nevill, 382.
Joyce, John, 344.
Joyner, Robert, 430, 431, 438,
452, 522.
Jury, 5, 73, 75, 77, ISO, 155, 174,
204, 207, 221, 228, 231, 243,
245, 289, 292, 327, 342-344,
382, 415, 417, 430, 432, 438,
448, 451, 453, 475, 478, 503,
513, 515, 522, 539, 551, 553,
555; Grand, 309, 310, 419, 420,
424, 427, 429, 430, 432, 447,
457, 47i, 522; of Women, 20;
Coroner's, see Coroner.
Justices of the Peace, Appoint-
ment of, 87-89; Oath of, 89.
Kadmore, Richard, 507, 519; v.
Steeres, 519.
Kane, John, 114, 115, 138.
Kecoughtan, 261.
Kedger (Kadger, Cager, Cai-
ger), Robert, 133, 194, 199,
213-217, 221, 243, 344, 354,
364, 396, 421, 455, 468-470,
488, 513, 5i8, 532, 554, 555,
569, 576, 584, 596, 597, 607;
Thomas, 33, 196, 198, 235.
243, 467; v. Accworth, 506,
601; v. Barriffe, 33; v. Black,
513, 518, 532, 554-556; v. Hall,
196; v. Hyde, 597; v. Packer,
133 1 v. Taylor, 396, 421; v.
Tilghman, 199, 216.
Keene (Keine), Edward, 24;
Henry, 26, 35, 146, 150, 166,
174, 384; v. Estate of Little,
26; v. Waring, 383.
Keiling, Thomas, 500.
Keister, Samuel, 185.
Keitting, Audrey, 445; Nicho-
las, 409, 439, 440, 445; v.
Hethcott, 409, 439.
Kempe (Kemp), Matthew, 592;
Peter, 452; Thomas, 193, 240 ;
William, 7.
Kenly, Robert, 399, 417.
Kennedy (Kennede, Canada),
Cornelius, 184, 202, 296; Wil-
liam, 64, 185, 219, 423, 496,
Kennis, Thomas, 39.
Kent, Henry, 573; Tomazin,
573, 574, William, 139, 163;
Isle of, 106, 113, 298, 300, 314.
Kent County, 62, 86, 89, 104,
105, 109, 127, 168, 182, 202,
257, 299, 300, 313-315, 319.
344, 397, 419, 422, 435, 482,
406, 509, 512, S67, 568; Boun-
daries, 322.
Kerke (Kirke), Martin, 39, 91,
93, 94, 122, 133, 181-183, 193,
196, 251, 260, 279, 395, 399,
405; Mary, 122, 133, 182, 395 ;
v. Bayley, 399; v. Gwyther,
183, 251.
Ketherton, Michael, 200.
Keylway, Robert, 543, 545, 548.
Keytin, Nicholas, 101, 129, 132,
137, 158, 161, 182, 196, 218,
221, 267; v. Bisco, 129, 161 ;
v. Gwest, 101, 137, 158; v.
Kirk, 196.
Kidson, William, 575, 576.
Killborne, Francis, 495.
King, Thomas, 215.
King David, Ship, 36.
Kingsborough ( Kingsberry,
Kinsborne, Kingsbury), Rob-
ert, 29, 30, 56, 57, 73, 83, 167,
326, 375, 380, 385, 433, 471,
484, 496, 503, 539, 541; v. Col-
lett, 496; v, Gwyther, 484.
Kleneke, Conrad, 237.
Knaggs, William, 399, 417; v.
Kenly, 399.
Knap, John, 184, 267, 280, 296,
301, 302, 324, 325; v. Arm-
strong, 301.
Knowles, Guy, 408, 456.
Lacy, Francis, 416.
Lake, Catherine, 385.
Lambert, Thomas, 499.
Land, Ann, 394, 594; Philip, 30,
38, 40-43, 47, 48, 57, 61, 71,
72, 75-77, 83, 85, 99, 100, 101.
120, 123, 127, 130, 131, 147,
149, 165, 174, 177, 182, 197,
210, 211, 244, 245, 294, 311,
325, 390. 399, 594; William,
311; v. Bale, 42; v. Chandler,
182; v. Marshall, 42, 76; v.
Moffett, 42; v. Overzee, 42 ;
v. Sheale, 42, 71; v. Smith,
43, 123, 165; v. Steeves
(Stephens), 123, 177.
Langford, Cecil, 534; John, 534,
543, 545, 547, 548.
Langford's Creek, 181, 182.
Langworth, James, 43, 51, 62,
64, 81, 88, 96, 134, 169, 174,
178, 197, 221, 231, 244, 259,
340, 363, 367, 379, 430-432,
473, 495, 559-561, 563-565; v.
Clarke, 259; v. Smith, 96, 134.
Lanstowne, Nicholas, 477.
Laremore, Alexander or An-
drew, 130, 167, 174, 252.
Larkin, John, 295, 296, 322.
Lawrell, William, 24.
Lawrence, William, 448, 451,
Lawson, Dorcas, 20; John, 3,
4, 9, 12, 20, 33, 70, 423, 468,
469, 508, 513, 588, 589; v. Es-