Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 593
ing the Carpenters and Coopers Tooles, which the sd dauid is to
appropriate to himself e and excepting one new bed Ticking, and
Hammack, and one Mayd Servant named Jane, And the waring
Cloathes and Ornamts of the sd Christean, which the sd Christean is
to haue, and that she liue Quietly in the howse as formerly vntill the
tenth of Aprill next, And that all debt of the sd Holtes and Charges
ariseing, abt the Estate of the said Holte be equally payd Betweene
them, and in Case they agree not Betweene this and the 10th of the
next moneth abt the devision of the sd Estate then they are to choose
each an Indifferent person to make the devesion and they .... which
agreemt shall be definite .... devision to be only intended of ....
Estate of the sd Robert .... Wittnes our hands ....
P. C. R.
The Cort is Ajourned till 9 of the Clock in the morning.
p. 1127
Sattirday the 11th October 1662
Present as before
Capt John Savage is accused by the Attorney Generall for tradeing
with the Indians without Lycence from the Lord Proprietor, or the
Leiutennt Generall Mr Revell findeing him tradeing & finding also
Corne vpon the Shoare ready to take in & Corne in the Boate as
appeareth by the oath of Mr Randall Revell
Mr Randolph Revell my Respects prsented vnto you and to yor
good wife Sr I vnderstand that itt is My lords pleasure that wee shall
haue our Boate and Goods againe, Sr my request to you is to Con-
sider my greate loss and damage that I haue received by being sur-
prised by you for soe small a trifle but I hope wee shall now lay a
side all such things of discord as hath been acted and become freinds
and Neighbours as wee haue been heretofore, ffreind My Request to
you is that you would be pleased to gett my Sloope deckt upp and to
gett her Trimd for me by the last of September, & you shall ingage
me to make you just paymt for what you shall doe in the prmisses,
freind Mr Boarman hath promised me that he shall send one vp that
is a Carpenter that will doe the Sloope if you can but procure Tarr
the old Cable that is in the Sloope you may make Okum of for her
pray prsent my kind loue to Mr Jons and to all the rest of our freinds
and neighbours soe haueing noe more att prsent to trouble you with
I take my Leaue giving you many thancks for yor civill Entertainmt
att yor howse Remayne
Oct. 17
General v.
.... in her and the Charge of the Sloope vnto Edward Share-
man with order that nothing should be imbezelled or disposed of
without his order and Charge that wee should not medle with
any thing that was in them but left no Roaneoke to buy no pro-
vision vntill wee did heare other order from him, and after two
dayes stay there which wee did according to his order, wee brought
the aforesaid Boates aboute to his landing att Manokin and in
p. 1128