p. 112;
Mr Henry Heylyn
There is (as I am informed) now liveing in the River of Patapsco
in Maryland an ancient man named Rowland Haddaway formerly
an Inhabitant in Lancaster County in Virga This Haddoway att the
tyme of his departure from Virga was indebted to me a Sume of
tobacco, as this Enclosed Specialty will Evidence my Request to you
is that as my Attorney you will cause him be arrested to the Quarter
Cort att St Marys, and Craue the Justice of that Cort in my behalfe
for the Recovery of the debt, and whatsoever you shall Act in order
to this Request, or what Accquittance or discharge you shall give
upon receipt either of the whole or any parte of the debt, I shall
make good & accknowledge as done by my selfe who am
Yor assured freind
Robt Smith.
I doe hereby Certefye that being Sherriff for the County of Lan-
caster the last yeare anno 1661, I had severall tymes order from Cott
Robert Smith to arrest Rowland Haddoway who then lived in the
County in an accon of debt, and haue heard the sd Haddoway confess
himselfe indebted to Cott Smith
July 17th 1662 Mathew Kemp
This Bill bindeth me Rowland Haddoway of the County of Lan-
caster, my heires Executors & Admrs to pay or cause to be payd
vnto Robert Smith of the same County his heires Executors or
Assigns the just Sume and Quantity of Eighteene hundred pounds
weight of well Conditioned sweete Sented Tobacco of my owne
Cropp with good Caske att or vpon the first day of November which
Holt v.
Whereas there hath been severall Controversyes Betweene Dauid
Holte sonne of Robert Holte and Christean Bonnefeild the reputed
wife of the sd Robt to Conclude and period which both partyes haue
agreed as followeth That is to say the said Dauid is to haue holde
and Enjoye for ever all the land any way belonging to the said
Robert as heire to him the sd Robert, and Concerning all other goods
Chatties & moueables they are to be equally divided the said dauid
to haue the one halfe, and the said Christean the other halfe except-