came imediately out, But Mr Hatches man had taken the Mare and
rode as hard as he could away And then Capt ffendall and this depont
lookeing att the horses espyed one of them hurte with his gutts
hanging out, which horse that same day dyed & further sayth not
Jurat coram me James Neale
Elizabeth Holte servt to Capt ffendall aged 18 yeares or there-
abouts sworne Sayth That on Whitsunday earely in the morning one
of Mr Hatches men came to her masters howse & sayd he had
brought home two of her Masters young horses This depot^ went
vnto her Master & tould him & comeing out againe tould the fellow
her Mr was comeing but he would not stay but tooke horse & ridd
as hard away as he could and this depont further sayth that she
heard Mr Hatches man say that he would not watch the horses day
and night, but if they came there againe he would sett them home in
the divells name, and this depont goeing prsently after to milke sawe
one of the horses running aboute with his Gutts hanging out and
further sayth not.
Jurat Coram me James Neale
Henry Jaques Servant to Capt Fendall aged 24 yeares or there-
abouts sworne Sayth That Comeing from his Masters Quarter to his
howse he saw there a Young horse of his Masters with his Gutts
P. C. R.