576 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
Nicholas Young Foreman George Reynolds Robert Maccklane
Thomas Bennett Robert Cager German Gillett Henry Hide Marke
Pheypo Francis Hill George Thompson Wm Hatton & Francis
Batchelor Gent, who takeing the whole busines into their Custody
together with the deposicons here under written withdrew and went
to trye the Cause, and after some tyme returned and brought in their
Verdict endorsed on the backside of the declaracon and answere thus
(vizt) It is the Verdict of the Jury that the deft is guilty.
Mr John Hatch aged fifty yeares or thereabouts sworne and ex-
amined 14th August 1662 Sayth That Capt Fendalls two young
horses being with this deponts Mare in his Corne feild, he Catched his
Mare and bid his Servt Wm Kidson to ride on her to Capt Fendalls
and carry his horses home and tell him of them And further sayth
that he remembers he heard the Children or Servants say that the sd
Kidson when he was goeing with the horses tooke vp in his hand a
burnt sharpe locus Stake and further sayth not.
Jurat coram me James Neale.
P. 1097
Mrs Alice Hatch aged 44 yeares or thereabouts sworne and Exam-
ined Sayth .... and after he rose he run very stoutly as if he were
not hurte; and did leape over the fence into the Corne- feild and soe
into the woods, after this depont sawe them not, this depont was
tould by her sonne John that their Servt sayd att his returne that
Capt ffendalls man had jeered him, but they needed not for he had
given one of them enough intending by Jeereing and further sayth
Jurat coram me James Neale.
John Taylor aged 20 yeares or thereabouts Sworne Sayth That
when Capt ffendalls horses went from his Masters Cow penn he this
depont sawe noe hurte that either of them had, nor heare of any
hurte they had and further sayth not.
Jurat coram me James Neale
Robt Cooper aged 17 yeares or thereabouts sworne sayth that
when Capt Fendalls horses went from his Masters plantacon he
knowes not of any hurte they had and further sayth that he sawe Wm
Kidson when he went to carry home the horses take with him a long
sloping Stake sharpe att one End and further sayth not.
Jurat coram me James Neale
Jacob Griffyn aged 13 yeares or thereabouts sworne Sayth That
when Capt ffendalls horses went from his Masters plantacon he sawe
noe hurte they had & further sayth that he sawe Wm Kidson that
went home with them haue a long sloping stake in his hand burnt and
sharpe att one End and further sayth not
p. 1098
.... with this depont to take care of them, and sayd he would
not watch them day and night to which this depont replyed what is
itt to me, but desired Capt Fendalls mayd to goe tell her Master,
which she did and this depont went to lyte his pipe and Capt Fendall