Then was Called before the Board Peter Sharpe and John Gary
who were suspected to Breake open the Govern" letters and for
proofe thereof was produced theis following papers. Aboute the
first weeke of July there came a letter from the Governor directed
to Mr Edward LLoyd & the lawes of the Country rowled vp which
were both well sealed & deliuered to me Thomas Manning which I
safely deliuered the same to James Elton in like manner Sealed
Tho. Manning
This I accknowledge to be the truth James Elton.
And James Elton declares that he delivered the sd letter and
Rowle of the lawes well sealed to Henry Kent which Henry Kent
accknowledged to be true.
And Henry Kent declared that he deliud the sd letter & Rowle
of the lawes well sealed to Thomas Dawbone which Thomas Daw-
bone accknowledged to be true.
And Thomas Dawbone declared that he deliued the said letter and
Rowle of the lawes well sealed to Thomas Evans which Thomas
Evans accknowledges to be true and they were prsently deliued in
like good Condicon to Wm Sparkes of the same howse which he
accknowledges to be true.
And the sd Wm Sparkes declares that he deliued the sd letter and
Rowle of lawes well Sealed to Isaack Abrahams which Isaack Abra-
hams accknowledged to be true.
And the sd Isaack Abrahams declares that he deliued the said
letter and Rowle of lawes well Sealed to Tho: Eldrid which Thomas
Eldred accknowledged to be true
And the sd Thomas Eldrid declares he deliued the said letter &
Rowle of lawes well sealed to John Boulton .... Boulton accknow-
ledged to be true .... that he deliued the ....