Oct. 8
p. 1090
Wednesday the Eighth of October 1662
Present as Before.
Then was resumed the debate of the busines Between Marmaduke
Snowe plt and Thomas Gerrard defts wherevpon the Cort ordered
that the writt doe abate, and that the Bond wherein Mr Gerrard was
bound not for to imbezill his Estate, and to make his appearance att
the Cort be delivered in which was done accordingly
Marmaduke Snowe p Attornat John Hammond demands Scire
facias for Thomas Gerrard to make his psonall appearance att the
next Provinciall Cort there to shew Cause why Execucon should not
issue vpon the Judgemt Confest by the sd Gerrard in England.
Ordered that he haue a Scire facias according to his Demand.
Parratt v.
To the Honoble the Gouernor & Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Wm Parratt Sheweth That whereas Thom-
as Belcher is indebted to yor petr six hundred and sixty pounds of
tobacco and Caske yor petr humbly Cranes order for the said debt and
he shall pray.
Vpon the peticon aboue written Mr John Bateman Admr of the
said Belcher Confesseth Judgemt for the aforesaid Sume of six
hundred and sixty pounds of tobacco, ....