Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 563
will appeare farr distant from any such supposicon in a true vnder-
standing .... humbly prayes the honoble Cort that the .... considered
the plt may be .... damages & the cause for more then would pay me
my due debt by bargaine with John Greenwell that I should pay
vnto them one halfe of the ouerplus of what itt should be more then
Eight thousand pounds of tobacco John Pille.
William Wennam of Charles County in the Province of Maryland
Planter aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined att the
request of John Pilles of Sarum in the Province of Maryland gent,
sweareth that upon the delivery of a plantacon and howseing lying
on the head of a Creeke in Brettons bay in the County of St Marys
and Province aforesaid comonly knowne by the name of Nevitts
Creeke by John Greenwell decd vnto the sd Mr Piles tht the said Mr
Piles tooke posson thereof he this depont being prsent Mr Walter Hall
and Wm Thompson decd being also prsent, and caused the said Green-
well and all then prsent forthwith to goe out of doores which being
done the sd Mr Pills shutt and locked the doore he alone remayning
within and further sayth not Wm Wennam his + marke
Juravit coram me Henry Adams
Bridgett Shells of this Province of Maryland aged 35 yeares or
thereabouts sworne & Examined sayth That her former husband
John Greenhill did deliuer posson of the plantacon he had of Mr
Piles to the sd Piles and caused the sd Biidgett Shells then Greenhill
to goe out of the howse, and then the sd Pilles shutt the doore and
further this depont sayth not Bridgett B Shells her marke
Jurat coram me Feb: 19th 1661 L Barbier
Robert Shells aged 35 yeares or thereabouts sworne and Examined
Sayth that in the yeare following after John Greenhills death .......
P.C. R.
p. 1076
March 21th 1661 Cornelius Micormack aged twenty yeares or
thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth That, aboute a yeare before
his Master Greenhill dyed upon discourse betweene the said Green-
hill & Wm Thompson he this depont heard his Mr Greenhill say that
if he could but once see Mr Piles payd Soe that he might cleare the
plantacon for his Child he did not care whether he lived or dyed or
words to this Effect and further sayth not
Jurat coram me L Barbier Cornelius Micormack his + marke
Walter Pake aged fifty three yeares or thereabouts being by me
examined by vertue of a Comr granted from the Right Honoble the
Governor of this Province to John Pille gent, for examinacon of
wittnesses vpon oath declareth, That aboute foure yeares since
pa[st] being soone after the death of John Greenwell did heare Mr
Langworth say to Cott Evans that itt was convenient to Lett Mr
Pille haue the land againe which was sould by the said Pille to
Greenhill rather then to keepe itt further sayth not.
Wm Tettersall aged twenty foure yeares or thereabts vpon oathe
declareth that haueing been att Mr John Pille his howse to buy the
p. 1077