Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 555
with two holes in them, and as they were a piping of itt in the feild,
Black sayd I wonder the Poyson doth worke noe better, And further
sayth not. The mke [mark] of Francis Fisher
Jurat coram Philip Calvert
Edward Chicken sworne and examined this 25th February 1661
Sayth That he goeing to the Oven att Mr Cagers Quarter for Pone,
he tooke one of those pones that were marked with a hole in itt
whereupon Wm Blacks wife told this depont he had better be hanged
then medle with itt, and bid him carry itt into the Oven againe, and
fetch out the other .... this depont .... and sayd, why, is not one
P. C. R.
.... And this depont further .... makeing of
Joseph Martin aged twenty yeares Sworne and Examined Sayth
That he this Depont did heare Wm Black bid the Servants gett Clubbs
to knock their Master on the head and sayd itt were a good deed to
poyson their master whereupon they made two pones with two holes
in them and Edward Chiccken goeing to the Oven fetched out a
Pone with a hole in itt, And Ann Black called him Rogue, biding
him putt itt there againe, and bid him touch if he durst & further
sayth not Joseph [mark] Martin his marke
Thomas Bennett sworne and Examined sayth that abt the End of
June, or the beginning of July he this depont comeing to the howse
of Robert Cager where Wm Black and Mr Cager being hott att
words, Mr Cager saying that William Black did up hould the Ser-
vants against him and his wife to abuse them both Willm Black
replyed tht he did not, and would not beleiue that the Servants did
abuse them, except he heard itt himselfe, and tould Mr Cager till his
Condicons was fullfilled the servants were his, and forwarned Mr
Cager to strike them, But sayd if they did deserue itt, he would
correct them himselfe for itt, And further sayth not.
Jurat in Curia Thomas Bennett
George Macckall maketh oathe verbatim as Thomas Bennett
Jurat in Curia Geo Macckall [mark] his marke
Ordered that Jury be impannelled
Warrt to the Sherr. to impannell 12 men .... of this County &c.
And .... this Court .... The Sherriff ....
The Jury returns their Verdict in wryting (vizt)
p. 1064
Vpon serious debate of the whole case inter Cager plt Black deft
wee finde that the plt hath noe cause of action. Therefore wee
grant to the deft a non suite with all costs and charges there
The plt Craues an Appeale to the next Proa11 Cort It is ordered
that an Appeale be granted, And that the whole proceeding be sent
up to the next Proa11 Cort And that the Wittnesses Subpened haue
thirty pounds of tobacco p day for their Attendance
p. 1065