554 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
Cager v.
Att a Cort held att Newtowne for the County of Se Marys, the 11th
of March 1661
Present Coll Wm Evans
Mr Jno Abington
Mr Tho: Turner
Mr Tho Dent
Mr Luke Gardner | Comrs
Mr Rich. LLoyd
p. 1062
.... and Effect a Cropp with them, he the said Black did not only
neglect his said Imploymt but tooke of his said Servants from all
obedience and duty, And further animated them to villifye and
abuse him and his wife as by Evidence will fully appeare, which
practices & abuses of his haue not only injured, and Endangered his
Repute and well being, but dampnifyed him and Engaged him in
Controversies, and expensiue Suite att Lawe, which he humbly
prayeth may be considered by an able Jury and that he may receive
his damage and Cost of suite And he shall pray &c.
Articles of agreemt made and agreed and Concluded vpon Be-
tweene Robert Cager of St Marys in the Province of Maryland of
the one parte, and Wm Black of the other parte
It is Concluded covenanted and agreed upon by and betweene the
said partyes, And the said William Black doth hereby Covenante
conclude and agree to and with the said Robert Cager that he the
sd Wm Black shall and will Liue, with the said Robert Cager as an
Overseer to plant a Cropp of tobacco, and Corne with his the said
Robert Cagers servants to see the said Cropp struck and finished
Itt is alsoe concluded upon that the sd Wm Black shall att signing
hereof haue deliuered into his posson seaven Servants men and
boyes to be wholy imployed in and aboute the said Crop, by the said
Wm Black untill the said Crop be compleated, and finished.
It is alsoe agreed that in consideracon of the said Wm Blacks
care and paynes, over and with the sd Servants that he the sd Robert
Cager doth hereby agree to allowe vnto the sd Wm Black one whole
Share and halfe a mans Share of the cropp of tobacco made, and one
whole Share of Corne allwayes provided that if John the New hand
should happen to dye before .... then the ....
p. 1063
It is agreed vpon that the said Robert Cager is to allowe Wm
Black, and his wife their dyett In consideracon whereof the said Wm
Blackes wife is to dress the Servants victualls, and to wash their
cloathes the sd Robert Cager putt in six milch Cowes into the hands
of the said Wm Black In wittnes whereof wee haue Interchangeably
sett our hands this 19th of Aprill 1661 Robert Cager Wm Black
Signed in the prsence of us Hen: Hide Wm Palmer.
Francis Fisher sworne and Examined this 25th of February 1661
Sayth That Wm Black did bid Mr Cagers servants, cutt them every
one a Clubb to knock their Master on the head he haueing a Clubb
with a nayle att the end of itt himselfe And moreover sayd itt was a
good deed to poyson their Master, and to that intent made two Pones