To the honoble the Leiutennt Generall and Councell .... Wm
Bretton .... to Gyles Sadleir late Sherriff of that County to collect
for him, But the said Gyles being in fortunately cast away, yor petr
not well knowing how to recouer his said debts He humbly prayes
that James Ueich of Calvert County may be impowred by order of
this honoble Cort to leauy by way of Execucon after demand made
all, or any pcell of the said fees for which the sd Gyles Sadleir hath
given noe receipt for under his hand, Mr Hugh Stanley haueing the
booke of fees in his Custody now prsent in Con and willing to Relin-
quish the same according to this agreemt with Veich and yor petr
& he shall pray &c.
Vpon the peticon abouesaid Ordered that Hugh Stanley deliuer
up to Wm Bretton his Booke of fees and that James Ueitch may haue
writt to Leauy the sd fees according to the peticon