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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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550 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.

P. C. R.

over vnto my said welbeloved Sonne Marmaduke Snowe his Exec-
utors Admrs and Assigns all the afore named and abouesaid tobacco
debt or debts Sume or Sumes of money whatsoeuer which is given
granted and bequeathed vnto me the said Jdith Snowe by the said
Abell Snowe together with all the house hould goods Catties &
Chatties moveable and vnmoveable whatsoeuer given granted and
bequeathed unto me the said Jdith By the said Abell, and all my
right Interest & tytle of in & to the same To haue and to hould the
aforesaid Tobacco or debts Sume or Sumes of money howse hould
goods Cattle and Chatties moveable and vnmoveable whatsoeuer vnto
the aforesaid Marmaduke Snowe his Executors and Administrators
for ever In Wittness whereof I the said Jdith Snowe to this prsent
deed of guift haue sett my hand and seale the first day of June in the
yeare of our lord god according to the Computacon of the Chruch
of England 1649 Jdith Snowe her marke
Sealed & deliuered and six pence in Silver given by the sd Jdith to
the sd Marmaduke
This is a true Coppy exed by Wm Fynney

p. 1056

William Fynney of Fynney Lane in the County of Stafford gent,
and Thomas Sutton of Oncott in the sd County gent, doe make oathe
that this is a true coppy by them now lately Examined of a deed of
guift beareing date the first day of June 1649 and that they were
prsent and did see the aboue named Jdith Snowe scale & deliuer the
said deed of guift beareing date as aforesaid, and that these deponts
names together with two more wittnesses (vizt) John Oulsnam and
Robert Turner subscribed therevnto As wittnesses are their owne
proper hand wryting Wm Fynney Tho. Sutton
Both these deponts sworne to the truth hereof the 29th day of
September 1659 before Sr Richard dyott Knt one of the Mrs of the
Chancery in England Ric. Dyott.
The plt sues p[ro]ut in peticon The def4 desires that he may haue a
Coppy of the peticon and haue tyme to answere till the next Provin-
ciall Cort Ordered that the def4 doe give sufficient bond with two suffi-
cient Suretyes not to imbezill the Estate claymed by Marmaduke
Snowe by vertue of the deeds afore recited, and that he shall Joyne
issue with the prt, and abide Judgem4 of this board att the next
Provinciall Cort
Cat Neale maketh oathe that he did reade over two Latine Recog-
nizances .... beareing date 19th June ....

p. 1057
Taylor v.

To the Right honoble the Governor and Councell

The humble pet. of Sarah Taylor Sheweth That whereas Thomas
Courtney did sollicite a Suite of loue to yor petr the which yor petr
did entertayne in a familiar and civill manner vntill such tyme as she
heard that the said Thomas Courtney did privately abuse her, by

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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