8. If it shall soe happen, tht my Wife Jane Cawsine dye, before
my Two Sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine come to yeares. Then
it is my will, That my Ouerseers take care of them, together wth
their Estates, & to manage the same, for the best advantage thereof,
till they come to their yeares abouesd
9. And further it is my Will That my Two sonnes Ignatius &
Nicholas Causine for Two yeares after the time exspyred of enioy-
ing their Estate, shall not dispose of any of their Estate, eyther in
bargayning or selling, or otherwise to diminish it, wthout the consent
of their Mother, if shee bee then lyuing, & of the Ouerseers of this
my Will.
In wittness wherof I haue hereunto sett my hand & Seale the day &
yeare aboue written The Seale
Nicholas Causine
Signed & Sealed in pence of
Thomas Carpender
Mary Coksute.
Mr Clarks Bond. These pents wittness tht I Robert Clarke of
Maryland Gentn doe acknowledge my selfe to stand indebted to
Henry Adams of Maryland Planf the somme of Ten Thowsand
pownds of good Tob. wth cask to bee payd by me, my heyres, Ex-
equutoes. Admistratoes, or Assignes, to him his heyres, Exequutoes,
Admistratoes or Assignes uppon demand. Wittnes my hand & Seale
this first day of Octobr 1656. The Condicon of this Obligaon is
such, That if the aboue bownden Robert Clarke shall after marriage
contracted betweene him & Mrs Jane Causine Widdow, permitt unto
such persons, as shee shall thereunto appoynt from time to time the
propriety & possesn of all the Estate left unto her, by her late hus-
band Nicholas Cawsine deceased, wthout any interruption or moles-
taon, then this Bond to bee voyd, but else to stand in full force &
uertue Locus X Sigilli
Sealed & Deliuered in [presence] of ... Robert Clarke
P. C. R.