of Henry
Corbyn v.
Mr Thomas
Admr of
Mr John Abington Attorney of the plt sues a bill of the defts the
deft pleades that itt was none of Mr Johnsons hand, and desires that
the bill may be proued or else craues a non suite whereupon the pits
Attorney Craues an Appeale to the next Proall Cort which is granted
Walter Hall Clre :
To the honoble the Gouernor & Councell of the Prouince of
The humble peticon of John Abington Attorney of Mr Henry
Corbyn Humbly sheweth That William Johnson late of this Prov-
ince decd doth owe unto the sd Mr Corbyn three hundred & seaventy
pounds of tobacco and Caske by specialty
Yor petn humble request is that he may haue an order of this
honoble Cort for his debt with forbearance and Charge of suite And
tie shall pray &c.
Knowe all men by theis prsents that I William Johnson of St
Clements bay Planter doe owe and am indebted unto Henry Corbyn
of London Mercht the full and just Sume of three hundred and
seaventy pounds .... sound merchantable tobacco and Caske to be
, ..... Henry Corbyn att or upon the 25th day .... and for the true &
... Johnson doe ....