The humble peticon of John Abington Attorney of Mrs Anne
Tilney Humbly sheweth That Vincent Atcheson doth owe unto the
said Anne Tilney Twenty seaven pounds of Beauer and six hundred
sixty five pounds of tobacco & Caske by bills
Yor petrs humble request is that he may haue an order of this
honoble Cort for his debt with forbearance and Charge of suite ....
hundred Seaventy and Seaven pounds of good sound large and bright
tobacco and Caske without Ground Leaues or Seconds all of my
owne Cropp Att or before the tenth day of November next Ensueing
the date hereof As Wittnes my hand this 12th October 1660
Vincent Atcheson
Wittness John Abington The marke of X Edward West.
Recd in parte of this bill Eight hundred and twelue pounds of
Neate Tobacco
This Bill bindeth me Vincent Atcheson my heires Executors
Admrs and Assigns to pay or cause to be payd vnto Anne Tilney of
the Cross her heires Executors or Assigns the full and just Sume
of Seaven teene pounds of wynter beauer killed in Season to be
payd att the Cross in St Georges Riuer att or before the tenth day
of March next ensueing the date hereof As Wittnes my hand 23o
Aprill 1660 Vincent Atcheson
Wittnes Edward West his X marke Richard Willan
More due upon this bill tenn pounds of the like Conditioned
Beaver Wittnes my hand Vincent Atcheson
The plt sues prout in pet The deft Confesses Judgemt for the
aforesaid Sumes.
To the honoble the Gouernor & Councell