52 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
unto him. And tht the Surueyoe did in his owne wronge suruey, &
receaue pay for suruey of that Land att Nangemy. It is Ordered
allso by this Court tht the sd Willm Boreman shall haue 400 Acres
in some other conuenient place, & the Surueyoe to lay it out wthout
satisfaction or pay from the sayd Boreman.
Re Antonio's
Symon Ouerzee demandeth Lres of Admistraon uppon the Estate
of Symon Antonio, as Crede unto it (Viz) one Thowsand two hundd
pownds of Tob. due by Bill.
Willm Boreman demandeth of the Admistrator of the Estate of
Symon Antonio Ninety nine armes Length of Roanoke.
April 14
Re Dandy's
Mr Jarbo
I doe hereby authorize you, to take into yor possesn All such Cattle
wch John Dandy late of this prouince was possessed wch att the time
of his arreignmt, & wh were properly belonging to the sd Dandy, &
of his owne proper marke, & them to keepe in yor owne custody, for
the Ld Proprietaries use, till further Order from me
Josias Fendall.
Stone v.
Capt Willm Stone demandeth warrt agst Bartholomew Philips in
an accon of Debt of 350l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to Arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court to be held att St Leonards in the County of Calvert
26o April next.
Warren v.
Humphrey Warren demandeth Attatchmt uppon the goods of
Robert Hill to the Valew of 25b Sterl.
Attatchme to the Sheriffe uppon, goods, debts, chattels &c: of
Robert Hill (whereto he shall be demanded) Ret. June Court next
Evans v
Clodoueus Mace aged 30 yeares & upwards, att the Request of
Capt Willm Euans Deposed this 10th August 1657o Sayth as ffollow-
eth, That he this Depe carrying Mr Bretton's calfes to weane att
such time, as he lyued wth the sd Mr Bretton (as he ... 7 or 8 yeares
agoe) att Capt ..... brought back some other ..... sd Capt Euans.
p. 17
Amongst wch was one Calfe, wch Capt Euans deliuered to John
Norman (he being there actually present) for the sole use of the sd
Normans Daughter in Law, Anne Browne. Wch sayd calfe, the sd
Norman marked, att Mr Brettons Landing, to tht intent, & for his
sd Daughter, Wch Calfe after a yeare or two growing, had a Calfe
att Mr Brettons, Afterwards leaning tht his plantaon att Mr Brettons
he carryed tht Cow, & her encrease, to the head of the Bay St
Clements. Afterwards againe he remoued to Longworths Poynt, in
Mr Gerards Manner where hee dyed. But since his the sd Normans