Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 51
Hunniford assigning her his Cabbin to lye in, & did lye downe
priuately by her, for the space of halfe an howre, And whilst they
were thus together This Dept heard the sd Elizabeth utter words to
this effect. Bidding Mr Hunniford be quiett for Mr Wills was
awake yett, & further Sayth not
Jurat Coram me Willm Bretton. Tho: Wills
Subpoen. (att the request of Robt Robins) to warne Christopher
Goodwicker to be att the next Prouinciall Court 26 Aprill to testify
his knowledge Concerning the sd Robins & his Wife.
P. C. R.
Charles Maynard demandeth warrt agst Walter Hall in an accon
of the Case.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prou: Court att St Leonards in the County of Caluert 26o Apr.
Att a Court held att the Goues howse in Wicomoco Ryuer.
April ?
Josias Fendall Esqr Gour
Philip Caluert Esqr Secret.
Capt Willm Stone Cat: John Price
Mr Tho: Gerard. mr Robt Clarke.
Uppon the Demand of Mr Job Chandeler & Mr Symon Ouerzee
touching Coll ffrancis Yardley's Land in Portobacco Creek, The sd
Cott Yardleys right being made appeare in Court. The Opinion of
the Court is tht Mr Job Chandeler & Mr Symon Ouerzee aforesd
haue Partt for the sd Land. They being the Assignees of Mrs Sarah
Yardley, Relict of Coll Francis Yardley aforesd
Re Yardley's
Capt Willm Euans, & Mr James Langworth brought the Will of
John Greenwell before this Court, & shewed tht in the sd Will it
was not sufficiently declared by whom the Estate was to be disposed,
to the defraying of funerall charges, & paymt of Debts. The Child
being constituted Exequutoe, But not till after Debts & funerall
charges were defrayed. The Opinion of the Court was That ail-
though they were left as Ouerseers only to the Exequutoe named
(who was under age) Notwthstanding they might take the Estate
into their hands & pay debts [and] funerall charges. And after
manage the same to the use aduatage ..... till hee . . full age & soe
Ordered accord .....
Re Green-
well's Estate
Uppon the difference between Capt Willm Stone, & Willm Boreman
touching the sd Boremans Land att Nangemy. It appearing to this
Court, That the sayd Boreman did not legally pursue his warrant
for 400 Acres of Land, wthin the time, in the sd warrt prescribed.
It is Ordered by this Court That a Pattent immediately be passed to
Capt Willm Stone of the Land by him demanded. And in regard
That the sd Boremans right, to soe much Land cloth yett remaine
Stone v.
p. 16