To the Right honoble the Leiuetennt Generall and the rest of the
Councell &c
The humble peticon of John Nicholls on the behalfe of his daugh-
ter Easter Nicholls Humbly sheweth That whereas yor peticonrs
daughter being a Freewoman borne in this Province, and Capt
Thomas Cornewallis often pressing yor peticonr that she might come
and Hue with him to wayte on his wife did at his request and desire
putt his said daughter to him he promising him she should doe
nothing else but wayte on his wife as by seuerall wittnesses yor petr
can make appeare
Now soc it is may it please yor honors that the Sd Capt Corne-
wallis haueing sould most parte of his Estate in this Country to one
Mr John Nuttall and yor petrs daughter amongst the rest of his
Seruants alsoe Contrary to equity and justice the said Nuttall refuses
to deliuer her up to yor petr without an order of this honoble Cort
The prmisses considered yor petr humbly craues an order of this
honoble Cort for her freedome soe that yor poore petrs daughter may
not be made a slaue And he shall pray &c.
Whereupon was pduced this Indenture which is as followeth
This Indenture made the second of February 1658 Betweene John
Nicholls and Hester Nicholls of the one parte and Thomas Corne-
wallis and Penelope his wife on the other parte Wittnesseth that the
said John and Hester Nicholls doth couenante promise and Grant to
and with the said Thomas Cornewallis and Penelope his wife that
the said Hester Nicholls shall serue the said Thomas [Cornwaleys]
P. C. R.
p. 908
Nicholls v.
Nuttall (per