514 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
been afflicted with a greate Lamenes in her Leggs together with
seuerall other distemps which does altogether make her uncapable of
prouideing for her selfe Soe that haueing noe other Refuge to flee
vnto but yor honors fauourable Goodness humbly requests you will
be pleased forthwith quietly to order her posson of a third parte of
all the Lands and Edifices which properly did belong to her former
husband Francis Martyn
Yor peticonr by yor fauor further declares that when her husband
bought this land lying in St Jeromes he gaue halfe of it vnto his
younger Sonne Loadiwick Martyn vnto whome yor petr humbly
craues you will Confirme itt, And she as alwayes bound shall pray &c
The plt sueth qut in peticon the deft desireth a Refference till
tomorrow morning which is ordered accordingly and that the deft
haue a coppy of the plts peticon :
Re Coleman
Francis Mugg and John Coleman and his wife assigns over in open
Cort a Pattent of 120 acres called the Crost to Ellis Coleman.
p. 907
The said Ellis Coleman assignes ouer .... next Provinciall Cort
to trye the Cause
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
Harwood v.
Williams &
The humble peticon of Richard Smith Attorney to Tho: Harwood
Sheweth That whereas John Williams and Christopher Beaueres
Seamen came ouer into this Country in the said Harwoods ship and
brought over two men Seruants the which they sould unto John
Grammer but the said Williams and Beaueries doe still stand in-
debted to the sd Harwood for the passages of the aforesaid seruants
thirteene pounds thirteene shillings Sterl: money which is six pounds
tenn shillings a peece their passage and six shillings six pence a
peece petty charges Now soe it is that the sd Williams and Beauerys
are run away on purpose to defraud the said Harwood of his just
right wherefore the said Harwood for to secure his debt was forct
to attache the Tobaccoes in the hands of John Grammer
Therefore yor petr in the behalfe of the said Harwood prayeth
Judgemt for soe much tobacco as this honoble Cort shall thinke fitt
for the sattisfying of the aforesd Sumes of money with cost Charge
and damage & yor petr as in duty bound shall pray
The plt sueth p[ro]ut in peticon the defts Confess they had two
seruants brought in as in the peticon is alleadged Ordered that they
pay two thousand one hundred Eighty foure pounds tobacco to the sd
Capt Harwood for the said Seruants passage one hundred and fifty
for the Sherriffe and one hundred twenty ....