Provincial Court Proceedings, 1657. 5
Guttridge do at the Said Court in march present a true Inventory
with a true Apprizement of the Said Estate of Capt William Lewis
Lib. B. No. 3
order to mr Nicholas Gwyther & mrs Marsh
Whereas by former Iudgment at Severne mr Nicholas Gwyther
was to Satisfie a debt unto the Estate of mr Thomas Marsh deceased
to the Summe of five Thousand Seven hundred forty three pounds
of Tobacco and Caske, And it appearing to this Court by the oath
of mr Henry Coursey who is the only Wittness to the Bond, upon
Marsh v.
which the Iudgment was Grounded that there was due upon that
Bill but four Thousand four hundred Sixty four pounds of Tobacco
in Caske The Court doth therefore order that the Said Guither be
freed from payment of any more of tht debt, then the Said Sume
of four thousand four hundred Sixty four pounds of Tobacco in
Caske, being the full debt due from the Said Guyther, unto the
Estate of the Said mr Marsh deceased with Cost of Suit.
p. 365
Whereas the difference between Tobias Norton plft and mr Henry
Hooper deft being at the request of the plantiff referr'd to a lury
Norton v.
Mr Robert Tayler
Thomas Stagwell
Edmond Hinshman
Patrick Milligan
William Young
Thomas Read
mr Peter Sharpe
Robert Harwood
Henry Coxe
William Turner
Patrick Forrest
George Bussey
Who have returned their Verdict as followeth Viz.
We find that the Plantiffe Shall have returned the Sume of Six-
teen hundred pounds of good Tobacco in Caske to be paid in this
Rivers Tobb: with Cost of Suit
Upon which Verdict the Court doth order that the Said mr Henry
Hooper Shall forthwith Satisfie the Sd Tobacco of one Thousand
Six hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask according to the Said
Verdict or Else Execution.
Depositions ex parte Nortoni
William Howse aged 25 years or thereabouts Sworne and Ex-
amined in open Court Sayth that about two yeares agoe mr Henry
Hooper Sold to Tobias Norton a Servant; and did affirme him to be
an able hand and as able, as Richard tht was mr Stockleys man;
And mr Hooper did farther affirme that the Said Servant Could
Carry four Bushells of Salt, And farther this Deponent Sayth not
William W House