496 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
to pay soe much tobacco proporconably for the land he hath in his
The Cort is ajourned till nine of the Clock to morrow morning
Nov. 27
Wednesday the 27th of November
Present Charles Caluert Esqr Gouernor Philip Caluert Esqr deputy
Leiutennt and Chancellor Henry Sewall Esqr Secretary Robert
Clarke Baker Brooke and John Bateman Esqrs Councell"
Greene v.
The Attachmt agt the deft is to be in force and continue till next
Cort and [if] the def doe not appeare It .... shall pass in ....
p. 607
Capt Josias
Fendall v.
the plt sueth for 3800ll tobacco Assigned to him by Coll Utye the
Assigne of Richard Bennett Esqr being tobacco due to the said Ben-
nett by Acte of Assembly And the deft Confessing that he did prom-
ise payment of the said tobacco It is ordered that the deft pay the
said tobacco to the said Fendall.
Brockett v,
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Samuell Brocckett Sheweth That yor petr
sued and impleaded Mrs Sarah Mash at a Cort held at Saint Marys
the last of February for a parcell of land in Kent County for which
yor petr hath a Pattent the said Mrs Mash then appeared by her
Attorney Mr Richard Smith who claymed a Refference vpon prtence
that he could proue the said land to be forfeited for rebellion Yor
petr humbly craueth that the said Mrs Sarah Mash may make appeare
that the land is forfeited by such Rebellion or yor petr haue order
to be quietly possest of the said land and he shall pray &c
Ordered that this cause be Referred to the view of the Records
v. Richard
p. 608
The plt sues for certaine Goods deteyned as he alleageth by
Augustine Herman and being not able to make any thing appeare
Non Suite is granted to the deft
Ascolar v
The plt sueth for his Freedome he comeing into the Country with-
out an Indenture and haueing served the deft seauen yeares Where-
upon a Jury was impannelled to Judge of the plte age And the Cort
to determine how long he is to scruc.
The Jury Impannelled for Ascolar are William Heard Archbald
Wayhope Daniell Johnson Humphrey Haggett, George Thompson,
Francis Wyne, Henry Peere Zachary Wade Thomas Allanson
George Macckall Walter ———— William Kennedey
Then were sworne of the Jury Humphry Haggett Foreman to-
gether with the rest aboue mencond