Knowe all men by theis prsents that I Richard Hassell Cittizen and
Salter of London doe by theis prsents make constitute and authorize
my loueing freind Daniell Johnson of Maryland Planter in Charles
county .... Attorney for me and in my name and to .... recouer
and receiue of and against .... parts beyond the Seas Wicldowe and
James Langworth of Maryland Planter in the parts beyond the Seas
he or his heires Executors and Administrators or her heires Exec-
utors and Administrators or any of them all and singuler Sume and
Sumes of money debts and other dutyes whatsoeuer to me from him
or her due oweing and belonging by Bill bond Specialty booke
accompt or otherwise howsoeur Giueing and by theis prsents Granting
vnto my said Attorney full power and lawfull authority in the
prmisses to sue attache Seize sequester arrest imprison and con-
dempne and forth of prison againe to deliuer Attorneys one or more
under him to appoynte and the same againe to reuoake and upon the
Receipts in this behalfe Acquittances or other lawfull discharges in
my name to make Seale and deliuer and generally to doe all other
thinges requisite in or aboute the prmisses as effectually as I my selfe
might or could doe being personally prsent And I will Rattifye
confirme & allowe all and whatsoeuer my said Attorney shall law-
fully doe or cause to be done in or aboute the prmisses by force of
theis pesents In Wittness whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand and
Seale the last day of July in the yeare of our Lord God 1661 And in
the thirtyth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King
Charles the second &c Richard Hassell
Sealed and deliuered in the prsence of us Francis Killborne Hugh
Newman John Browne
The plt not stateing his busines legally the cause is respitted till
next Cort
P. C. R.
Johnson v.
p. 605
To the honoble Gouernor and the rest of the Councell
The humble peticon of George Thompson Sheweth That whereas
yor petr bought certaine Rights of land of Mr Thomas Gerrard which
Rights hath not appeared to be the said Gerrards but one Mr Marma-
duke Snowe & therefore yor petr hath both been debarred of a
warrant to take up land and alsoe hath but little security for ....
land already taken vp by yor peticonr and for the want of the good
use of the said Rights yor petr hath been much dampnifyed and
humbly craueth that at least .... petr may be compelled to pay the
order of Cort but according to yor petrs former bargaine with Mr
The prmisses being taken into yor honoble serious Consideracon yor
petr most humbly craueth Releife with, cost and charge of Suite and
yor petr as in duty bound shall ever pray &c.
The plt sueth as in peticon aboue written Ordered that the def
shall make Good such Rights as he hath solde the plt and the def
p. 606
v. Gerrard