P. C. R.
date hereof) shall suffer or permitt, any euill rule or order to be kept
in his sd howse att St Maries especially uppon any the Lords Days
(called Sundays) by gaming or exorbitant drinking, during the
time of Diuine Seruice. Or shall suffer any Seruants or Apprentices
to remaine tipling, or drinking in his howse wth out their Masters
priuity; or shall Sell or giue such Apprentices drinke, occasioning
their disorder thereby. Or shall sell drinke by retayle, att greater
price then is allowed by an Act of Grail Assembly Prouided in that
behalfe Phillip Land :
Recognit Cora me Willm Bretton.
Philip Caluert Esqr one of the Priuy Councell of this Prouince of
Maryland & Justice of the Peace, under the Rt Honble Cecilius Lord
Baltemore Absolute Lord & Proprietary thereof, Sendeth Greeting
in our Lord God euerlasting. Know yee tht I the sd Philip Caluert,
uppon good & credible report to mee made by diuers Inhabu of this
Prouince, That Philip Land of St Maries in the Pro: of Maryland
aforesd is a Man-Meet to keepe an Inne, or Ordinary in the howse
where he now dwelleth att St maries, for the conuenience & enter-
tainment of sundry the Inhabts comming & resorting uppon their
occasions to St maries aforesd Haue licenced, allowed & admitted,
& doe by these pents lycence, allow & admitt the sd Philip Land to
keepe an Inne or Ordinary, for one whole yeare ensuing the date
hereof, Soe tht the sd Philip Land suffer not any euill rule or Order
to be kept in his sd howse, during the time of this his sd Lycence,
ffor the using of wch lycence accordingly I the sd Philip Caluert doe
you to witt, tht I haue bownd the sd Philip Land in One Thowsand
pownds of Tob, by Recogniz. to the Lord Proprietary of this Prou-
ince. In witness whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand & Seale, this
8th day of Aprill Ano Dni 1658.
Philip Caluert The + Seale