Nelson v.
p. 463
To the honorable the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Bridgett Nelson Sheweth That aboute the
foure .... by breakeing of a peice of Silver which Silver being
divided betweene them for the purpose aforesaid And yor peticonr
being then a Servant to one Mr Holland of the Herring Creeke the
said Quintin Counyer desired one Richard Wells for to free yor pe-
ticoner, and to pay for her freedome out of his Estate; but the said
Richard Wells neglecting to doe itt, he imediately fell Sicke and
made Mr Francis Stocckett his Attorney, and desired him to free yor
peticonr which he did accordingly, And the said Quintin Conyer in
his sicknes did giue all his Estate both reall and personall to Mr
Francis Stocckett And the said Stockett in regard he bought her out
of the said Counyers Estate doth intend to make her a Servant, And
moreover did vpon his death Bedd relate that he the said Quintyn
Conyer was marryed before God to yor peticonr by breakeing of the
af oresd Siluer Betweene them, as by wittnes yor petr can make appeare
Now yor petr humbly desires yor honors to take it into yor serious
Consideracon whether she be a Servant or a f reewoma And yor petr
shall pray.
Vpon the peticon of Bridgett Nelson aboue written aboute her
Freedome from Mr Francis Stocckett whoe claymed her as parte of