Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 455
To the honorable the Gouernor and the rest of the Councell now
The humble peticon of Robert Cager Sheweth That yor peticonr
being very weake in body and in noe Capacity to cast or putt all
Accompts and Reckoninge in any forme of a Suite depending Betwixt
Vinson Attchison and yor petr. Yor peticonr cranes yor Honors for a
Refference till the next Courte and he shall pray &c.
In Consideracon that one of the defts Wittnesses lying very sick It
is referred whilst the next Courte and the deft is to bring the depo-
sicon of the Relict of William Hungerford now wife to William
Barton at the next Courte vnder the hand of some of the Comrs for
this County
P. C. R.
p. 461
Atchison v.
The Administrators of Jane Fenwicke desires a Quietus est of the
Estate of Cuthbert Fenwicke to whome she was Administratrix. It
is therefore Ordered that any person that shall pretend to any creditt
to that Estate doe come in and make it appeare before the next
Courte otherwise a Quietus est to be graunted And that this be
affixed at the Courte Doore. John Gittings Clre
To the Right honorable the Gouernor of the Prouince of Maryland.
The humble peticon of Patience Martine Widdowe Humbly Shew-
eth That whereas yor peticonr was at this last honorable Courte and
did there proue the will of her deceased husband whereupon Mr
Coursey pmised yor peticonr a letter of Administracon whereby I
might lawfully Enjoye and possesse my rights of the land and
howseing therein bequeathed to yor petr and her Children, but the
Widdowe Martine George Wilson and Thomas Ward most barbar-
ously last night hailed me out of my howse and shoved my Children
out head long alsoe soe that wee were forced to lye out in the planta-
con all night, and they haue nayled up the doores of my howse and
the tobacco howse which yor peticoners husband built Soe that yor
petr could not gett into them and they farther threaten that tomorrow
they .... Bedd and other goods out of yor peticonrs howse.
.... desires yor honor to graunte .... an Order to possesse Reenter
Ex parte
and Enjoye her howseing and Ground without Lett or molestacon
And that yor peticonr may quietly possesse and make vse of the same
Soe that she and her Children may not pish for want thereof And
yor petr shall ever pray.
Vpon the peticon aforesaid It is ordered that the Sherriffe doe
possesse her in her said howse and Land out of which as she alleadges
she was violently Ejected and that he doe by the oathe of twelue
Lawfull men of the Neighbourhood which he is hereby impowred tc
Sumon Enquire of the said force and retourne their verdict intc
this Courte by the first day of the next Courte
p. 462