To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Thomas Manning Attorney Generall to
the Right honoble the Lord Proprietary Guardian to William Caluert
Esqr Sheweth That Leonard Caluert Esqr late Governor of this
Province did in the yeare 1641 take up and Pattent certaine Towne-
land Comonly called the Gouernors Feild as by the Record of that
yeare fo. 139 appeareth
That the said Leonard Caluert haueing aliened and Sould the sd
Land vnto Nathaniell Pope, the said Pope by bargaine and Sale
vpon Record dated 4o January 1646 did the said Land vnto the said
Leonard Caluert Reconvey whereof the said Leonard Caluert after-
ward dyed seised and soe the land vnto William Caluert sonne and
heire vnto the said Leonard Calvert did descend
How soe it is that in the absence of the said heire Wm Stone late
Gouernor of this Province did into the said land vnlawfullv Enter
which said land is by Thomas Stone the heire of William Stone
aforesaid or by Virlinda his wife in petended Right of dower vnlaw-
fully possd to the Greate dammage of the said William Calvert
wherefore yor petr humbly prayes order of this honorable Courte for
posson of the said Land with damages and Costs of Suite And yo'
petr shall pray &c.