452 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
Inquest on
body of
Wee whose names are vnder written hauing viewed the dead bodye
of Thomas Elston And wee doe finde that she was accidentally
drowned as Wittnes our hands Aprill 10th 1661 John Jarboe Walter
Pake Peter Miles his marke | Richard Lloyd Richard Fowks William
Tettershall Peter Caradine t K marke of Robert Sheel, German
Gilliard his marke A Thomas Harper John Warren John Dauis
Inquest on
body of
Jane Copley
Wee whose names being vnder written hauing viewed the dead
body of Jane Copley Servant to Mr Thomas Turner lying in the
Roote of a tree in the woods doe verily beleiue that she running
away from her master was starved in the same place as Wittnes our
hands Aprill the 7th 1661 William Assiter Charles Maynard, James
Martine William Walters Robert Joynor his marke R. Peter Kemp
his marke Robert Thomas his marke R T Thomas Thomas his marke
William Jackson his marke Batholomew Phillips his marke Charles
Alexander John Marcarke
Inquest on
the body of
Martha —
P. 458
Wee whose names are vnder written hauing viewed the dead body
of Martha ————— doe finde that she was casually drowned as
Wittnes .... Peter Caradine Robert Shelle his marke R German
Gilliard his marke Thomas Harper John Dauis
April 19
Pake v.
Fryday the 19th of April pesent as aforesaid
To the honorable Philip Caluert Esqr Gouernor
The humble peticon of Walter Pake Sheweth That yor peticonr
haueing formerly in the Government of Captaine William Stone
Commenced a Suite against John Hammond at a Cort held the
twenty third of March in the yeare of our Lord 1654 for payment
of a plantacon Sould by yor peticonr to the said Hammond It was
then ordered by the said Courte that wee should putt it to Arbitracon
whereunto wee Entred into Bond But the said Hammond would not
suffer the party chosen on his side ever to meete, Soe that yor
peticonr hath been delayed from tyme to tyme and never could
receive any Sattisfaccon for the said land which is very much to
yor peticonrs dammage Yor peticonr conceiveing noe Land can be
alienated without some deeds vnder hand accknowledged in Courte
and consideracdn receiued for itt And yor peticonr hath not receiued
satis faccon as yett.
Therefore yor petr desires an order agt the Attorney of the said
Hammond, whoe is Mrs Anne Hammond either for payment accord-
ing to Bargaine or for his land in kind with Costs of Suite and
damages for this long forbearance And yor petr shall pray &c.