438 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
Liber William Bretton Foreman
P. C. R. Thomas Bennett
Robert Macklyn
Richard Forster
Robert Joyner
John Gee
John Hobbs
William Hampsteed
William Boreman
William Greene
Deliuerance Loavly
William Russell :
And the aforesaid Jury hauing spent some tyme vpon the pemisses
brought in their Verdict in theis words following vizt
Wee finde that William Hughes first Commenced his Suite agt
Capt Stone (as upon Record) 12th February 1658 and came to a
tryall 2d March following where the said William Hughes was non
suited, After againe William Hughes began his Suite a new 3o Sep-
tember 1659 And at the Courte 7th October following a Respite was
p. 441
granted in the said .... that said order wee finde in the Records.
But considering the deposicons and alsoe how that this Suite was
Comenced in Captaine Stones life tyme and that the said Capt Stone
engaged himselfe to sattisfye the said William Hughes for his labour
imployed vpon the Mill Wee conceive that the Executor ought to
sattisfye the said Hughes as the honoble Board shall adjudge, And
further that the said Executor ought not to pleade the Acte for
deceased psons whereas the Sayle was formerly putt in in Capt
Stones life tyme.
Whereupon the Courte required all papers and accompts Relateing
to the pemisses should be deliuered in to the Courte and peruseing the
said papers doth finde that the true Ballance of Acco is foure thou-
sand nine hundd fifty and one pounds of tobacco and Caske and doth
thereupon order that the said Thomas Stone deft and Executor doe
forthwith pay vnto the plt the aforesd sume of foure thousand nine
hundred fifty and one pounds of tob and Caske, in defaulte thereof
Execucon: with Costs of Suite.
v. Richard
The deft is discharged and the plt to pay Costs of Suite
To the honoble Philip Caluert Esqr Gouernor &c
Wright v.
The humble peticon of Richard Wright Sheweth That yor petr
purchased of Richard Turney late of this Province deed, the one
halfe or moiety of his the said Turneys land lying in Sasafras Riuer
as by a Conveyance vnder his hand and Seale may more at large
appeare, which said moiety not being layd a parte in his the said
Turneys life tyme he humbly Craueth order for a writt of Particon
of the said Land according to his bargaine and Covenante and
according to the vsuall Custome of this Province in the like kinde
.... And he shall pray &c