Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660. 437
Monday the 25th of February present as aforesd
The plt haueing had an Attaichmt agt the Goods chatties and debts
of Thomas Harvey of Virga to the vallue of fiue hundd pounds of
tobacco and Caske in prosecucon of which the Comprt appeares at
the Courte and produceth a Bill of the said Thomas Harueys to
the Sume aforesaid vpon Consideracon of the peticon and bill afore-
said the Courte doth order that the Goods in Attachmt taken be
appraysed and fiue hundred pounds of tobacco payd to the Complt.
with Costs of suite
P. C. R.
Feb. 25
Hugh Bevin
v. Thomas
This day came John Abbington Attorney to Mrs Anne Tilney
Executrix to Richard Hodgkeys deed, and accknowledged a Judgemt
vnto Captaine Thomas Cornewallis as Assignee vnto Mr Richard
Hobbs for 831ll tobacco and caske by bill And further doth accknow-
ledge on the behalfe aforesaid to be accomptable vnto the said Capt
Cornewallis as Assigne aforesaid for three hhds of baye Salte And
to pay what remaynes upon that accompt
v. Tilney
The deft not appeareing the Sherriffe of St Marys County not
takeing Security for the same has Liberty to bring the deft to the
next Provinciall Courte there to answere the Comprt Suite and in
defaulte Judgemt to pass agt the said Sherriffe for soe much as shall
be found due or comeing to the plt with Costs of Suite
Pakes v.
Knowe all men by theis pesents that I Humphry Warren Cittizen
of London doe Constitute and ordeine Captaine Nicholas Gwyther
my Law full Attorney for me and in my name to attaich arrest the
body or Goods of William Head Cooper in an accon of debt due vpon
Accompt, and what my said Attorney shall doe in the pemisses I doe
rattifye Confirme and allowe as if I myselfe was personally pesent
Wittnes my hand and Seale this fourteenth day of January 1660
Humphry Warren
Sealed and deliuered in the pesence of Robert Payton James
The deft by his Attorney confesseth a Judgemt vnto the plt for
fiue hundd and forty pounds of tobacco and Caske, which is ordered
accordingly and that the def{ pay the Costs of suite
p. 440
bv his
Guyther v.
Head p
The prt in his peticon craues Judgemt agt the Estate of Capt
William Stone deceased to the vallue of 9300lb tobacco and Caske
for seruice done in the yeares 1651: 1652: and 1653, therefore
humbly prayes to haue a Jury to trye the same vpon which the Court
orders the Sherriffe to Impannell a Jury: which was done accord-
ingly (vizt)
Hughes v.
Executor to
Capt Wm
Stone his