General v.
The Indictment retourned by the Grand Jury agt Elizabeth Harris
whereupon they retourned billa vera. Let it be Enquired for the
Lord Proprietary whether Elizabeth Harris late of St Clements hun-
dred in the County of St Marys Spinster in the Easter holly dayes
in the yeare of our Lord 1657 at St Wynifrido in the County and
Hundred aforesaid then and there a certaine man child alive did
bring forth and afterward the said Elizabeth at St Wynifrido afore-
said the aforesaid Infant liueing did throwe out of Doores hard by
the Landing, by which the said Infant imediately did dye and soe
the said Elizabeth Harris the said Infant at the place and tyme afore-
said felloniously did kill and murder contrary to the peace of his
Lops rule and dominion
The Informacon of Robert Joyner aged twenty six yeares or
thereabouts Sworne and Examined the fourth day of January 1660
Sayth That he this depont in Easter Holly dayes in the yeare 1657
lining at Mr James Langworths howse went to helpe hawle a Cow
out of the Mire and retourning homeward by the water side there
was a woman Servant called Elizabeth now the wife of Samuell