knowledge of his Maties Comands to haue his lops iust Rights within
this Province according to his Pattent restored to the Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr, did write menacing to vindicat himselfe by the
best meanes he could vnless he might haue such tearmes granted him
as in the said Letter he required
And further doe present that on the 28th and 29th of Nouember
the said Governor he did then threaten with force saying the people
in Charles County were in Armes to rescue him if he retourned not
the sooner, or should by him the said Governor be detained Prisoner
to the great derogation from the iust power of his Lopp, and the
subvertion of the Governmt of this Province, and contrary to the
peace of his said Lop his rule and dominion
To the honoble the Governor and Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Josias Fendall humbly Sheweth That yor
peticonr hath Justly faline into the High displeasure of his Lop the
Lord and Proprietary of this Province of Maryland through some
vnadvised and Indiscreete accons of his which he did, whereof he
was this Courte Summoned to give an accompt, And haveing ser-
iously wayed his greate rashnes and Folly in doeing the same, he
doth humbly accknowledg his greate offence and hartily begg his
Lops gracious pardon and the favor of this honoble Courte And he
shall as in duty bound pray Signed Josias Fendall