424 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R.
Wch nifty Nyne pounds being allowed There remaines due to the
prt two hundred Nynty two pounds Tob and Caske. The Judgment
of the Court is that the deft pay forthwith to the prt the said 292l
Tob and Caske with Costs of Suite.
Feb. 22
Act of
ffryday 22 ffebr Present as aforesaid
To the demand of the Grand Jury (vizt) Whither as a Grand
Jury it belongs to vs to take notice of his Maties gennerall Act of
It is answered by the Court that considering they are sworne onely
to inquire what offences haue bene comitted not what haue bene
pardoned, they do Judge that as a Grand Jury it belongs to them onely
to take notice of what hath bene committed
Signed by appointmt of the Court P Bathe
Adams by
his Attorney
Hawkins v.
The plt desires Eight thowsand three hundred thirty Eight pounds
of Tob due by the deft by bill dated the 29th of March 1659 payable
the 10th of Nouember following, as by the said bills assignment and
letter of Attorney thereupon more at large appeareth vizt This Bill
bindeth me Abraham Shears of Surrey County his heires or Assignes
to pay or cause to be paid vnto Thomas Adams of the Isle of weight
County his heires or Assignes the full and iust sume of 8338l of good
sound marchantable Tobaccoes according to the Act now established
payable at or before the tenth of Nouember next ensuing the date
of this presents at some convenient place in the County of Surrey,
As wittness my hand this ....
p. 425
I doe assigne ouer all my Right, Tytle and intrest of this within
specified bill to Mr John Hawkins, wittnes my hand this 15th of
december 1660. Tho. Adams
Test Edward Bushell
Mr John Hawkings pray doe me the fauor as to recouer from Mr
Abraham Shears being now as I heare at Wiccocomako the within
specified Sumes either by lawe or otherwise, and what you shall doe
therein I shall ratify and allow of as an action of my lawfull and
deputed Attorney Wittnes my hand this 15th of december 1660
Test Edward Bushell John Pierce. Tho: Adams
To all wch the defendt answered that -p duress of imprisonment hee
was forced to giue the said Bill to the prt, and it being putt to the
vote whither a lawfull imprisonmt or not
Mr Lloyd is of opinion that it is a lawfull imprisonmt
Mr Bateman that it was no lawfull imprisonmt
Mr Brooke the same with Mr Bateman
Mr Clarke that it is a lawfull imprisonmt
Mr Coursey the same with Mr Clarke
The Gouernor that it is noe lawfull imprisonmt
And it being by the Maior Vote of the Board resolued that it is no
lawfull imprisonment, A non Suite is granted in this Cause.