Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660. 423
Ordained, and by these presents in my place and steed do constitute
depute and Ordaine my loueing freind Thomas Turner of Saint
Winifride in St Clements bay gent my true and lawfull Attorney to
appeare make answere and defend for me and in my name in all
manner of actions Comenced against me the said Piles by Wm
Tethershall and Wm Stiles of St Maryes County Planters, and what
my said Attorney shall lawfully Act, and do in the premisses I the
said John Piles doe hereby owne ratify and confirme the same to be
my Act and deede, Giueing and hereby granting unto my said At-
torney as full and ample power to act in the premisses, as I my selfe
could haue had being personally present. Wittness my hand this 13th
of ffebr Anno domini 1660 John Pille
Testes John Clarke John Steeuens.
P. C. R.
To the honnoble the Gour & Councell for the Province of Maryland.
The humble complaint of Thomas Cornwaleys against Henry
Spinke, Sheweth that the said Henry Spinke is indebted to the
Complt three hundred ffifty One pounds of Tob wch hath bene due
two yeares, and often demanded but not yet paid. As also being
Sherriffes Deputy contrary to lawe and Justice, and to the great
disparadgment and damage of the said Complainant, vpon a gennerall
warrant of Execution for ffees due to Roger Isham Clearck wch by
his aquittance vnder his hand was but 236 pounds of Tob; Tooke
from the Comprt upon the same pretence a Principall hhd of Tobacco
freighted in the Eere of New England Arnold Elsey Master weigh-
ing neate three hundred Eighty Six pounds, whereby not onely the
said ffreight was frustrated, but also the said Isham in a braueing
manner and to the discredit of the Comph tould the Master of the
said Ship that hee should not haue the said hogshed, but that he had
laid an execution on it, for wch the Comprt desireth Justice against
the said Sherriffe for exceeding his writt, and thereby much dam-
madging the Comprt And he shall pray &c
Tho: Cornwaleys
v. Spinke
.... and cravd allowance of fifty nyne pounds Tob and Caske
by vertue of a letter of Attorney from William Tenahill to him to
that purpose, as by the said letter of Attorney hereafter menconed
more at large appeth vizt
Know all men by these presents that I William Tennehill do con-
stitute Henry Spinke my lawfull Attorney to discount, or by any
lawfull meanes to recouer a debt due vnto me from Captaine Thom-
as Cornwaleys upon ballance of an hogshead Tob paid to Mr John
Abington for the said Capns vse It being fifty Nyne pounds of Tob
and Caske And all and euery thing or things my said Attorney
shall lawfully doe in the premisses, I doe hereby Ratifie and confine,
Wittness my hand 18 ffebr [ ] William I Tenahill
Wittnes John Lawson William M Canaday his marke
p. 424