Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660. 403
This Present writeing indented made the Eight day of September
1660 And &c as in the former Contract Betweene Samuell Tilghman
&c and John Twisleton of London marchant of the other parte Witt-
nesseth &c onely changing the name of John Twisleton, and for flue
Tons vntill the sume of threescore and ten pounds of lawfull money
of England &c Signed John Twisleton
Locus X Sigilli
Sealed and deliuered in the presence of vs James Sleigh Wm
Parker Servants to William Salusbury Scr.
The like Protest as aforesaid was made against John Twisleton for
not pforming his Contract by the said Samuell Tilghman.
P. C. R.
p. 401
Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys demands a writt to arrest Maior
George Colclough in an action of debt of fifteene hundd pounds Tob
and Caske
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of St Maryes retorn 19 instantis to
the Proull Court at Saint Maryes .
2o ffebruary
v. Colclough
Augustine Herman demand a writt to arrest Collonell John Price
in an action of debt of fifteene hundred pounds ster
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of St Maryes County retorn vt
eod die
Herman v.
Idem demands a writt to arrest Maior George Colclough & Eliz :
his wife Admix to Symon Overzee her late deceased husband in an
action of the Case to the vallue of fower hundred pounds ster, and
Sixteene thowsand pounds Tob and Neate Porke.
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of St Maryes retorn ut supra
eod die
Herman v.
Adminx. to
Idem demands the ensuing Protest to be entred among the Proull
Records wch followeth (vizt) Whereas Elizabeth Overzee widdow
of Symon Overzee deceased, and as it is reported now the wife of
Maior George Colclough, Administratrix of the Estate of Symon
aforesaid stands ingaged vnto Augustine Herman marchant the full
Sume of One thowsand pounds sterling for the non performance of
the award &c Wch Award and Arbitration shee has denyed by refus-
ing: to signe the eenerall discharge in the Arbitration awarded And
Secondly by not paying the ten thowsand weight of Tobacco and
fower thowsand weight of Neate Porke Commanded by the said
award to be paid by the last of January at furthest Which tyme is
now past, But to the Contrary has made me stay waiting upon her,
and caused thereby my other buisnesses in the Countrey to be Neg-
lected. Item the Barke Swallow attended all this while here in
expectation of the abouesaid loadeing, and might euersince haue
1 February