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next after the arriuall of the said Ship in Potomack or Potuckson
Riuers in Maryland Three Tons of Tobacco accompting ffower
Virginia Hogsheds to Euery Ton, And whereas the said Samuel
Tilghman in the said Ship did arriue at his ladeing Porte — within
the the said Province of Maryland the First .... day of december
One Thowsand Six hundred and Sixty, And haueing remained in the
said Riuer with the said Ship Men and Boates in a readiness to
receiue and fetch the said Three Tons on Board the said Shipp
whensoeuer required from his arrivall aforesaid vntill this present
ffower and twentith day of January and hath not yet receiued any
Order from the said Charles Peck his ffactors or Assignes, or any
note or notice from any of them for the receiuing and fetching of the
said Three Tons of Tobacco or any parte thereof aboord the said
Ship. Therefore the said Samuell Tilghman doth hereby Protest
as well against the said Charles Peck his Executors, Administrators
and Assignes, as against all other persons whatsoeuer, And doth
hereby Declare that what damadge shall be made appeare to ensue
for the Nonperformance of the abouesaid Contract and Agreement
may and shall rest upon the said Charles Peck his Executors Admin-
istrators or Assignes according to the tennor of the said Contract and
Agreement, And I Philip Calvert Esquier Governor of the said
Province of Maryland vnder his Lop Csecilius Lord Barren of Balte-
more Lord and Proprietary of the said Province, Because the Protest
aforesaid was made before me haue herevnto sett my hand, and
caused his said Lops lesser Seale of the said Province to be affixed
herevnto this 24th day of January 1660 Signed Philip Calvert
This Present writeing indented made the ffowerteenth day of
August 1660, And (as in the former Contract) Betweene Samuel
Tilghman (as aforesaid likewise) And William Barrett of London
marchant of the other parte Wittnesseth &c to and for the use &
accompt of the said William Barrett his Executors Admrs and As-
signes Seuenteene Tons and one halfe Ton of Tobacco amounting &c
(as in the former Contract mutatis mutandis) the sume of Two
hundred and fforty pounds of lawf ull money of England within ten
dayes next after the arrivall &c In wittnes &c Signed Wm Barrett
Locus X Sigill
Sealed and deliuered in the presence of vs Wm Parker Servant to
Wm Salusbury Scr.
The like Protest as aforesaid onely changing the name of William
Barrett was made by the said Samuell Tilghman agt the said Barrett
for Seuenteene Tons and one halfe Ton of Tobacco.