398 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R.
of Rite formerly the Estate of Capn William Lewis deceased, and
the same soe Leuyed to deliuer to the said Capn Nicholas Guyther or
his Order, And for soe doing this shalbe your Warrant Giuen at St
Maryes this 17th day of december 1660 Philip Calvert
To the Sherr of Charles County or his Deputy
Price v.
Collonell John Price this 29th day of January demands a writt to
arrest William Black in an action of the Case
Warrant inde issued eodem die to Sherriffe of Saint Maryes
County retorn to the Proull Court to be houlden at Saint Maryes the
19th of ffebruary next.
Clocker v.
Ward et al.
Thomas Ward demands the day last abouesaid a Subpa ad testi-
ficand on his owne behalfe for George Wilson Thomas Wright and
Wm Cole in the Cause depending in this Court betweene Daniell
Clocker plt and the said Thomas Ward & Wm Martyn defts.
Subpa inde issued retorn ut supra. To the Sherr of St Maryes
Wm Martyn eod die demanded the like subpa ad testificand agt the
said parties last aboue menconed on his owne behalfe in the said
Subpa ad testificand inde issued Directed to the Sherr of St
Maryes County ret ut supra.
Gwyther v.
Nichalas Guyther the day last abouemenconed demands a Scire
facias agt Daniell Clocker to shew cause why he should not pay the
said Nicholas the fees due for the imprisonment of Mary wife to
the said daniell
Scire facias thereupon issued directed to the Sherr of St Maryes
County retorn vt supra.
Hobbs v.
John Hobs the same day last above mentioned demands an Attach-
ment agt the goods debts or Chatties of John Gottley als Dowle wch
are in the hands of Thomas Gerrard to the vallue of 13l lawfull
money of England to answere his suite in an action of .... to the
like vallue.
Attachment thereupon issued retorn vt supra directed to the
Sherriffe of Saint Maryes County.
P. 397
30o January
This day Came Hugh Lee of Saint Maryes and acknowledged
himselfe indebted vnto the Lord Proprietary of this Province in the
sume of One Thowsand Pounds of Tobacco and Caske In Case the
said Hugh Lee for the space of fiue wholl yeares next ensuing the
date hereof shall suffer or pmitt any eiuell rule or order to be kept