Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660. 397
Richard Grymes demands a writt agt Arthur Wright in an action :
of trespass to the vallue of 3000l Tob and Caske
Writt thereupon issued Directed to the Sherriffe of Kent County
retournable to the next Proull Court at St Maryes 19 ffeb. next
P. C. R.
17 January
Grymes v.
Idem Richard Grymes demands a Writt agst Hugh Bevin in an
action of trespass to the vallue of 540l Tob and Caske
Writt thereupon issued directed to the Sherriffe of Calvert County
retorn vt supra.
Grymes v.
Idem Richard Grymes demands a writt agt Vincent Achison in an
action of the Case to the vallue of 340l Tob and Caske
Writt thereupon issued directed to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes
County retorn ut supra.
Grymes v.
Thomas Phillpott by Mr John Abington demanded this 2 Ith of
January a writt agt Nicholas Bannister in an action of debt of 1500l
Tob & Caske
Writt then issued to the Sherriffe of .... retorn ut Supra.
Phillpot v.
An execution issued directed to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes
County at the suite of Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys for one Thow-
sand pounds of Tob of the goods of Captaine William Mitchell at-
tached in the hands of Thomas Mitchell as by Judgmt of Court
bearing date the first March 1659 apreth
13 Dec. 1660
v. Mitchell's
An order issued signed & sealed by the Gouernor requiring
Edward Prescott marchant or Capn John Jenkins Attorney for the
said Prescott to pay to George Goodrick 5000l Tob as followeth vizt
Whereas by an Order of Court dated the 5th of October 1659 It was
Ordered that Mr George Goodrick should haue flue thowsand pounds
14 Dec. 1660
Goodrick v.
Vid. order
fo: 319
of Tobacco without any abatement out of the Estate .... deceased
extended as by the said order more at large appeareth, I doe therefore
as by the said Order I am directed require you forthwith to pay vnto
the said George Goodricke the said fiue thowsand pounds of Tobacco
without abatemt out of the said Estate whereof you are not to faile,
And this Together with the said Goodricks receipt endorsed upon the
back hereof shalbe a sufficient discharge. Giuen at Saint Maryes
vnder my hand & Seale this 14th of december 1660
Philip Calvert locus X Sigill
P. 396
Levy by way of Execution upon any the Goods debts or Chatties
of Edward Prescott marchant two thowsand fower hundred and
fowrteene pounds of Tobacco and Caske within this Province being
for the fees due to Capn Nicholas Guyther for extending the Manner
Gwyther v.