P. C. R.
P. 375
soe to doe, and shall signify the same vnto me in .... tting vnder
his or their hand .... to putt in execution or attempt to execute any
Office power or authority granted vnto me by any of the said Com-
mission or Corhissions after that his said Lordship or his heires or
Assignes Lords and Proprietaryes of the said province shall repeale
them or any of them respectiuely by any writting vnder his or their
hand and Seale at Armes, and that the said repeale be published
with in this province, I will Doe equall Right and Justice to the poore
and to the Rich within the said province to my best skill Judgment
and power, according to the lawes and Ordinances of the said Prov-
ince, And in default thereof according to my Conscience and best
discression, and the power granted or to be granted to me by his
said Lops Commission or Commissions I will not for feare fauor nor
affection, or any other cause lett hinder or delay Justice to any, but
shall truely execute the said Office and Offices respectiuely according
to his said Lops Commissions to me in that behalf e, and to the true
intent, and meaneing thereof, and not otherwaies to the best of my
vnderstanding and Judgment, I will not knowe of any attempt against
his said Lops person or his Right or Dominion, in, to or over the said
province and the people therein, but I will prevent, resist, and oppose
it, with the uttermost of my power and make the same knowne with
all Convenient speede to his said Lop, And I will in all things from
tyme to tyme as Occasion shall require faithfully Councell and aduise
his said Lop according to my heart and Conscience, And Doe further
Sweare that I will not by my selfe nor any person directly or in-
directly trouble molest or discountenance any person whatsoeuer in
the said province professing to belieue in Jesus Christ for or in
respect of his or her Religion, nor in his or her ffree Exercise thereof
within the said province. Soe as they be not vnfaithfull to his said
Lop or molest or Conspire against the Ciuill Gouernment Established
here vnder him nor will I make any difference of persons in con-
ferring Offices Rewards or ffauors proceeding from the authority
which his said Lop hath conferred upon me as his Lieutenant here
for or in respect of their said Religion respectiuely, but meerely as I
shall find them faithfull and well deseruing of his said lop, and to
the best of my vnderstanding endowed with morall virtues and abilli-
ties fitting for such Offices rewards or fauors wherin my prime
ayme and end from tyme to tyme shall sincearely be the advance-
ment of his said Lops service here, and the publick vnity and good of
the Province without partiallity to any, or any other sinister end
whatsoeuer, And if any other Officer or person whatsoeuer shall
during the tyme of my being his said lops Lieutenant here without
my consent or privity molest or disturbe any person within this
Province professing to belieue in Jesus Christ, meerely for or in
respect of his or her Religion, and the ffree Exercise thereof, Upon
notice or Complaint thereof .... power and authority to relieue