Anno 1660.
At a Prouinciall Court held at Robert Kingsberryes at Patuxent
the Eleuenth of December 1660
Present Phillip Calvert Esquier Gouernor Henry Coursey Esquier
Secretary, Mr Baker Brookes, Mr Robert Clarcke & Mr John Bate-
P. C. P.
Dec. 11
p. 374
Was then Read the Instruccons from his Loo the Lord Proprietary
for tendring the Oath To the Gouernor wch is as followeth vizt Item
I Doe hereby authorize Baker Brooke and Henry Coursey gent or
either of them to administer in open Court the Oath of our Lieuten-
ant of our said Prouince of Maryland, and also that of our Chan-
cellour there to our Deare Brother Philip Calvert Esqr, whom wee
haue lately Constituted in these two places, And Wee Do also hereby
authorize our said Brother to Administer the Oath of a Councellor
there in open Court to such as hee hath or shall according to our
Commission to him make of our Councell there who haue not form-
erly taken the same, and Wee will and require you to take Care that
the said Respectiue Oathes be duely and tymely administred there
London 16th of September 1660 Signed C: Baltemore.
And according to the said Instruction the said Mr Henry Coursey
and Mr Baker Brookes tooke the said Gouernors Oath wch followeth
in these words (Viz) I Philip Calvert do sweare that I will be true
and faith full to the Right Honnoble Csecilius Lord Baron of Balte-
more the true and absolute Lord and Proprietary of this province of
Maryland and his heires, and him and them and his and their Rights
Royall Jurisdiction and Signiory all and euery of them, in, to and
ouer the said Province, and Hands therevnto belonging will at all
tyme defend and maintaine to the uttmost of my power, and will
neuer accept of, nor execute any place Office or imploymt within the
said Province any way concearning or relateing to the Gouernment of
the said Province from any person or authority, but by, from or vnder
a lawfull authority deriued or to be deriued from tyme to [tyme]
vnder the hand and Scale at Armes of his said Lop or his heirs or As-
signes Lords and Proprietaries of the said Province I will faithfully
serue his said Lop as his Lieutenant of the said Province, And in all
other Offices committed to my Charge by his said Lops Commission
or Commissions to me, and will willingly yeild vp the said Commis-
sion and Commissions againe, and all Offices powers and authorityes
granted or to be granted by them or any of them into the hands of his
said Lop and his heires and Assignes, or to such person or persons,
as hee or they shall appoint whensoeuer he or they shall appoint me
[vide 3 Md.
Arch. Coun.