Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 359
generally to doe all other things requisite in or about the premises
as effectually as I my selfe might or could doe being personally
pesent. And I will ratify & confirme & allow all & whatsoeur my sd
Attorney shall lawfully doe or cause to bee done in or about the
premises by force of these pents. In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto
sett my hand & Scale the Twentith day of Septembr in the yeare of
Our Lord god, according to the computaon used in England One
Thowsand six hundd, fifty & nine Thomas Ticknor
Sea + ale.
Sealed & deliuered in the pence of Willm Love Edw: Worsopp Wm
Salisbury Senr.
Know all men by these pents That I John Wade of Poplar Hill
in Maryland in the parts beyownd the Seas Chirurgion, am houlden
& firmely bownd, unto Thomas Ticknor Cittizen & Grocer of Lon-
don, in One hundd pownds of lawfull money of England To be payd
to the sd Thomas Ticknor, his Certaine Attorney, Executors Adrhis-
trators, or Assignes, To the wch paymt well & faythfully to bee made,
I doe bind mee, my heyres Executers & Admistrators firmely by these
pents, Sealed wth my Seale, Dated Twelueth day of Octobr in the
yeare of Our Lord God, One Thowsand six hundd fifty & Eight. The
Condicon of this Obligaon is such That if the aboue bownd John
Wade his Executers, Admistrators or Assignes doe truly pay to the
aboue named Thomas Ticknor his Executers, Admistrators or As-
signes att or in the now dwelling howse of the sd Thomas Ticknor,
scituate in Bisshops gate streete London, The some of ffifty & Three
pownds of lawfull money of England (being for goods & mer-
chandizes receiued of the sd Thomas Ticknor by the sd John Wade for
the use of his Plantaon in Maryland aboue mentioned) in & uppon
the Twelueth day of Aprill next comcing after the date aboue written
That then this Obligaon to bee uoyde, or ells to stand in full force &
Vertue, John Wade, Sealed & deliuered in the pesence of us Wm
Salisbury Serr Robr Pryme
This is a true Copie & agreeth wth the Original being Examined by
us, Wm Salisbury Senr, James Heigh his Serut Nich: Spencer Edw :
The plf produceth the Copie of a Bond signed by John Wade
Chyrurgeon deceased bearing date 12o Octobr 1658, Wherein the sd
Wade is bownd to the plf under the penalty of one hundd pownds
for the paymt of ffifty three pownds Sterl, as is conteyned in the sd
The Admistrator not prouing tht any thing was eyther payd by
the sd Wade, or himselfe in Satisfaction of this Debt, & not able to
obiect any thing concerning the Bond, & the iustness thereof, It is
Ordered tht the plf haue Judgmt agst the Admistrator for ffifty Three
pownds sterl. according to the sd Bond.
P. C. R.
P. 358