Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 335
Hee therefore in the be [half e of] the sd Orphan doth desyre tht
Order may be granted, Th ....... wth his Estate wch is iustly dew to him
may bee putt into yor Petrs hands. Wch is allso the desyre of the
Child, yor Petr being next to kinne to him in these parts, &c :
To wch Petn of the plf , the deft (by his Attorney Capt Sampson
Waring) denyeth what is alleaged in the sd Petn, as first, tht he
wrongeth the sd Orphan, secondly tht hee is of noe kinne to the sd
Whereas John Par the Orphan of Robt Par Deceased was putt
into the posses" & tuition of the deft by Order of Court. And it
appearing by the testimony of diuers Neighbours now actually pres-
ent in Court, that the deft treateth the Orphan louingly & well. It is
therefore Ordered tht the deft reteine, & keepe still the sayd Orphan,
and his Estate
To the honble the Gouernor & Councell
P. C. R.
p. 306
The humble Petn of Samuel Chew Sheweth, That whereas yor Petr
hath payd 1200l of Tob & Cask to ffrancis Billingsley for his part of
Building Two howses uppon Plumpoynt where George Peake now
dwelleth, & maketh use of the sd howses & did once promise paymt
of the sd I200l Tob. But neuer denyeth me satisfaction for my Tob
soe disbursed for him
Therefore yor Petr desyreth an Order for the sd Tob. it being his
iust due.
The plf not making appeare what hee alleageth agst the deft in
his Pet", The Defts Attorney Craueth an nonsuite agst the plf, Wch
was graunted him by the Court, wth Costs of Suite.
To the Rl Honble the Gour & Councell.
Chew v.
The humble Pet" of Daniel Clocker Sheweth, That whereas the
Jury (in the Case depending betweene yor Petr, & Mr Symon Ouer-
zee the Attorney of Mr Job Chandler) hath fownd yor Petr yett
unsatisfyed. Yor Petr demandeth satisfaction to the ualew of fiue
hundd pownds of Tob & Cask, ffor yor Petrs Wifes Attendance,
being in the busiest time of her Dayry. And one hundd pownds of
Tob for the Coffin, according to the usuall rate of the Prouince wth
Costs of suite And yor Petr as in duty bownd shall pray.
Vppon the plfs Petn for 600l Tob. It is Ordered tht the deft pay
unto the plf. One hogshead of Tob. weighing neate Three hundd
pownds, ouer & aboue Costs of suite.
To the Rt honble the Gouernor & Councell
Clocker v.
Vid. Juries
Verdict fol.
The [humble] Petn of Thomas Mitchell Sheweth, That wher[eas
there] is a former Order of this worll Board, for the Attatchmt of
1000l Tob, yor Pctr is indebted to the Estate of Capt Willm Mitchell
Mitchell v.
Vid fol. 204