Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 323
Thomas Bennett complayneth agst Thomas Gerard Esqr & dds
writt in accon of Case.
Summons to Mr Gerrard to be the next Prouinciall Court to be
holden 4th of Octob next, there to answere &c :
P. C. R.
August 13th
Bennett v.
Daniel Clocker complayneth agst Job Chandler Esqr & demands
writt in an accon of Case.
Summons to Mr Chandler to be at the Prouincill Court to bee
holden 4th of Octobr
Clocker v.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to haue Philip Morgan
gentn att the Prouinciall Court to be holden 4th of Octobr next to
answere to what shall be then & there layd to his charge on the
behalfe of the Lord Propr.
August 17th
p. 292
General v.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County Pro non Subscribers the
Ingagemt ut ante in Anarundel County fol 279 Ret. Eod. die ut in
Oath of
John Tucker Records his marke of Cattle &c: (Viz) Both eares
Swallow Tayled.
Thomas Manning Recordeth his marke of Cattle (Viz) The right
eare Cropt, & a slitt in the Crop, The left eare underhald.
mrk Cattle
Thomas Manning Recordeth these Cattle for his sonne John
Manning, being gyuen him the sd John, by his Vncle Richard Man-
ning (Viz) One Browne Cow called Star-buck, One yeareling heifer,
& one Steare Calfe, marked, The Left eare Cropt, & a slitt in the
Crop, The Right eare ouerhald.
Re Man-
ning's Cattle
Vincent Attchison came & demands Wart agst Thomas Barrett
accusing him of Incontinency &c :
Wart to the Respective Constables of St Maries, St Georges, St
Inego's, & St Michaels hundds, to bring the sd Barrett imediately or
before 3 clock to morrow afternoone afore &c: to answere &c: ut in
Writt, & Then Ret next Prouin- Court 4o Octobr.
August 22th
Atchison v.
Richard Couell pr Attornat, Thomas Mathewes demands writt agst
William Battin in accon Supr Case.
Warrt to the Sheriffe Charles County &c: Ret. next Prouinciall
Court 4o Octobr next, ut supra.
Covell v.
Willm Boreman recordeth his marke of Cattle &c: The left Eare
Cropt wth two slitts in the Crop, The Right eare underkeld.
mrk Cattle
Mr Symon Ouerzee demands warrt agst John Williams in accon
of Debt.
Overzee v.