Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 317
dowble the time by seruice (Viz) Twelue weekes longer, after the
expiraon of his time. As to the dammages wch the sd Hopkins al-
leageth hee hath susteyned in his Crop to 3000l Tob. Ordered as
shall be adiudged, uppon proofe by the Commisrs of the County
Court. As to his swearing &c: Ordered tht the sd Owen Morgan haue
Thirty Lashes gyuen him on the bare back by the Sheriffe for his sd
swearing & blaspheming, & disobeying his sd Master.
Wart to the Sheriffe ad Exequendu forthwth.
P. C. R.
To the honble &c: The humble Petn of Richard Deauer Sheweth.
That whereas yor Petr bought a parcell of Land in this County of
Anarundell of Archibald Archbuckle, wch was assigned ouer to the
Deaver v.
sd Archbuckle from John Couell (now deceased) And tht the sd
Couell being one that refused submission unto the pent gouermt.
The sale of the sd Land cannot be made good, wch will be much to
the dammage of yor Petr, he hauing payd for the sd Land, wherefore
yor Petr humbly Craueth Redresse herein &c :
To the petn of the plf the deft sayth, That the plf ought not to
recouer of him, but of John Couell, to whom the Land did first
belong, & therefore ought in all right & equity to make good the Sale.
And thereuppon Craues an Non-suite, wch was graunted.
p. 285
The plf Sheweth by her Petn That her ffather being killed wth the
the Indians, her Mothers Estate was ualued by Appraysmt att 8000l
Tob, besides the furniture of her Chamber. Who afterwards mar-
ryed her selfe to the deft Thomas Meares. Wch Meares now refuseth
to giue acct of tht Estate; & keepeth her Brother as a Seruant or
slaue, deteyning some things allso from the plf, wch were by her
ffather formerly gyuen her. ffurther Crauing tht the deft may be
enforced to giue in an account uppon Oath concerning the sd Estate,
& That her Brother may haue liberty to choose his guardian. And
tht that her Brothers Estate may be cleliuered unto the plf, for her &
her Brothers use.
The Court see noe Cause of Accon, & thereuppon the plf is non-
ffreeman v.
To the honble &c: The humble Petn of Willm Holman Sheweth,
That whereas yor Petr hath due unto him a Cow & yeareling Calfe
from Thomas Chapman in Considera5n of works done last yeare.
And the sd Chapman uppon his departure out of the prouince, ap.
poynted George Dorrell to deliuer the sd Cow &c: unto yor Petr, when
the sd worke was finished wch being demanded. Deliuery was refused
by the sd Dorrell, And afterward by reason the frost, the sd Cattle
perished, whereby yor Petr is yett unsatisfyed in part of his labour,
who therefore Craueth order for satisfaction eyther in Cattle or
ualew wth Costs of suite &c :
Holman v.