316 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
P. C. R.
Vide 3 Md.
Arch. Coun.
eluding a Peace wth the Easterne Shoare Indians of this Prouince :
wch he denyed to doe, & att the same time for gyuing the sd Sheriffe
some contumalious words or speeches.
The sd Coppage Sayth, tht he did not refuse to goe wth him; But
only willed him to goe & gett his other Company ready; & then hee
would satisfy him, whither hee would obey his Command, & goe
along wth him, or noe. As to those Contumelious words wherewth he
is now taxed. Hee doth not deny the same.
It is Ordered That the sd Coppage for his contempt in disobeying
Lawfull authority & power, & his upbrayding the Sheriffe in words,
haue Twenty Lashes on the bare back gyuen him by the Sheriffe
Writt to Sheriffe, (according to the Order) ad Exequendu.
General v.
p. 284
Was Called afore the Board John Holliday, & Charged how tht
hee the sd Holliday being willed & requyred by the Sheriffe of Ana-
rundel to ayde and assist him, in what then actually concerned his
Office who refused to giue his assistance as he ought in such Cases,
being lawfully requyred thereto. In answere The sd Holliday ac-
knowledgeth that hee did not ayde the Sheriffe, when soe requyred
by him.
It is therfore Ordered that the sd John Holliday haue Twenty
Lashes on the back gyuen him by the Sheriffe for his obstinancy &
contempt in disobeying law full power & authority here.
Writt to Sheriffe (according to the Order) ad Exequndu forthwth.
General v.
Was Called afore the Board Peter Sharpe, & charged That he the
sd Sharpe being requyred to assist the Sheriffe of Anarundell in the
apprehending of a Delinquent, as by his place & office he might doe.
The sd Sharpe refusing to obey his sd Command, Wch the sd Peter
Sharpe acknowledgeth he did not doe.
ffor wch Contempt It is ordered That the sd Peter Sharpe be fyned
therefore, & pay to the Ld Proprietary ffiue hundd pownds of Tob &
Hopkins v.
Whereas William Hopkins hath petitioned this Court agst Owen
Morgan his seruant, Shewing That he the sd Owen hauing absented
himselfe six whole weekes out of his sd Masters Seruice, hee hath
susteyned much dammage in his Crop this yeare, & charge in looking
after him to the ualew of 3000l Tob. And further, tht hee the sd
Hopkins gyuing his sd Serut Correction, his serut struck him his
Master wth a Club, threatning him wth many unciuill & opprobious
words, wth Cursing, swearing blaspheming &c :
It being proued tht the sd Owen was absent from his Masters
seruice six whole weekes. Ordered according to the Act That hee