262 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
& in nature of a free-Joynture endowed, unto Willm Elltonhead
gentn & Robt Clearke gentn ffeoffees in trust; for & in the behalfe of
the sd Jane, Three negro seruants (Viz) Two negro men, & One
negro woman, to say, William Allington & Tom: Payne: & Nan: &
all their issue both male & ffemale, Six Milch Cowes & Three heyfers
wth their encrease, Two yowng Mares, & a Stone horse, wth their
encrease. One halfe of the howshould goods, that shall bee in the
possesn of the sd Cuthbert att the hower of his Death, wth all the
wearing cloaths, ringes & Jewells of the sd Jane, To haue & to hould
p. 219
the sayd Recyted premises & euery part thereof unto her the sd Jane,
& the hey res lawfully begotten betweene mee the sd Cuthbert ffen-
wick, and shee the sd Jane, whither male or ffemale (or both) to bee
equally deuided after her Decease, Prouided allwayes tht the same &
euery part thereof graunted as aforesd, shall bee & remaine to the
only use, benefitt & behoof e of mee the sd Cuthbert during my Natur-
all life, And in case I the sd Cuthbert shall happen to depart this
life wthout issue betweene mee the sd Cuthbert & shee the sd Jane as
aforesd, That then the sd demised premises & euery part thereof, wth
the proceed, profitt, & increase thereof shall bee & remaine to the
only use, benefitt, & behoofe of the sd Jane her heyres, Executers, or
Admistrators, And for the true & reall peformance of this Deed &
euery part & parcell thereof, in manner & forme aforesd I the sd
Cuthbert ffenwick doe bind oue unto the sd Willm Eltonhead gentn &
Robt Clearke gentn. The sayd Three Negros, & Three other Negros :
the sd six Cowes, & other Six Cowes, The sd Three heyfers & other
Three heyfers, The sd Two mares & other Two mares: The sd
Stone horse, & one other Stone-horse, To bee all lyable & responsable
for the full assurance of making good the aforesd Joynture for the
use of the sd Jane, her heyres Executors or Admistrators as aforesd.
In wittnes whereof I the sd Cuthbert ffenwick haue hereunto sett my
hand & Seale the first day of this instant August, Anoqe Dni 1649.
Signed, Sealed & Deliuered in the pence Cuth: ffenwick Se X ale.
of us for the uses aforesd
ffrancis x x Brooke
Charles Rawlinson.
(Vide I
Md. Calen-
dar of Wills
Mr ffenwicks Will. In the name of God Amen, I Cuthbert ffen-
wick being sick of Body, but in pefect memory, Doe make my last
Will & Testamt as followeth, ffirst I bequeath my Soule to Allmighty
God, & my Body to the Graue, As as for my Temporall Estate, I
desyre it may be deuided as followeth.
Impr. I giue & bequeath unto my louing Wife Jane ffenwick, all
tht Parcell of Land Lying Westward of the Deepe Branch of St
Cuthberts neck, to bee att her disposing.
It. All the Rest I doe desyre should be deuided equally amongst
the Children that is to say Cuthbert ffenwick, Ignatius, Robert,