v. Harbert
wart to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to bring Harbert Mate
to Capt Rich: Hobbs & allso the Passengers now in the Sloope wth
him before the Goue & Councell wthout delay. To make answere to
what shall be demanded on the behalfe of the Ld Prope.
Who appearing in Court, & being charged for tht the Passengers
went up & downe complayning for want of prouision & uictualls,
yett the Gour being satisfyed in tht, the sd Harbert had sufficient
prouisions in his Sloope & gaue sufficient allowance to the Passengers,
as hee alleageth. Hee is dismissed.
To the honble Court &c :
v. Overzee
p. 197
The humble Petn of Willm Hampsted Sheweth That whereas Mr
Symon Ouerzee standeth indebted to yor Petr one Cow & a Calfe, wch
should haue bene deliuered to him uppon his Plantaon att St Maries
5 yeares agoe, & are not yett payd, being much damnifyed in the
losse of their encrease, & the want of the milk for his sustenance,
Wch Cattle he hath often demanded of Mr Ouerzee, But hee hath not
yett taken any Course to satisfy the same, allso yor Petr sheweth tht
Mr Ouerzee standeth indebted to him 100l Tob for a barrell of Corne
bought of Mr Land for the sd Mr Ouerzees use, for wch he craueth
order, & allsoe dammage for his encrease of his Cattle & want of the
milk &c :
The deft requesteth tht the plf proue what is alleaged in his Petn.
Who thereuppon produced these Deposns or testimoneis
Adam Christian aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne & exam-
ined this 2oth January 1658 Sayth That during his time of Seruice
wth Mr Ouerzee, Willm Hampstead demanded of the sd Ouerzee
Cattle due from him to the sd Hampsted & Mr Ouerzee promised the
sd Hampsted to deliuer him his Cattle here att St Maries, soe soone
as his Sloope came up againe from Virginia & further Sayth not.
Jurat Coran me Willm Bretton.
Thomas Kemp Examined att the request of William Hampsted
this 7th day of ffebruary 1658 Sayth, That att Linne Hauen in
Virginia there was a Cow & a Cow calfe made choyce of for Mr
Hampsteds use by Mr Richardson, Wch Cow is since dead. Yett
before tht shee dyed, shee had another Cow calfe wch calfe Mr Ouer-
zee marked, but what is since become of tht calfe, he cannot tell.