p. 193
To the honble Josias ffendall Esqr Gouernor & Chancellor of Mary-
land, & the Councell of State
The Reply of Thomas Cornewalleys to the answers of Job Chand-
ler & Symon Ouerzee to a Bill of Complaint exhibited in Chancery
agst the sd Parties by the sd Tho: Cornewaleys Humbly Sheweth
That both the sd Answers are imperfect & little to the purpose of
the Charge alleaged agst them in the Bill. Only the sd Chandler al-
leageth tht the Consideraon mentioned in the Bill guyen for the sd
Debt was only a small watch of little ualue. The Complaynt sayth &
will be deposed was a watch wth an allarum tht went aboue 24 howers,
wth the day of the month, & cost him wth the Syluer Case 17l Sterl.
& Twenty Shillings payd downe in money. And whereas the sd
Chandler sayth tht the Estate & Land did solely & properly belong to
Mrs Sara Yardley, being purchased by her Estate; the sd Cott Yardley
being bownd afore marriage, not to meddle wth the same during her
life. Wch Bond after Marriage was of noe Validity, nor the sd
Estate nor Land commonly knowne or reputed during the sd Cott
Yardleys life, for other then his, nor did shee euer endeauor by such
claime during her life to cleare the sd Land or Estate by Law from
his iust Debts wthin this prouince. But priuately & surreptitiously
by the ayde & assistance of the defendts conueyed out of this Prou-
ince, To wch Charge in the Complaynts Bill there is noe answere
gyuen by the sd Chandler. And the sd Ouerzee confesseth to haue
lett his Sloope for 900l Tob by Charter part, Wch the Complaynt
prayeth may be produced: but neyther answereth how, where, nor in
what the sd Tob was payd, nor by whom, nor who payed the man tht
Sayled in her, wth some other particulars charged in the sd Bill,
whereby the Truth may appeare, tht the sd Sloope was fraudulently
hyred & nothing payd. Wherefore the Complaynt humbly prayeth
tht both the sd Answers may bee amended & each particular Clause
in the sd Bill fully answered as it ought, & hee shall pray &c.
Ordered that sometime before the end of this Court they putt in
their Answers to the sd Reply.